Male! Phillipines :D

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Requested by @Himitsu65!!


You have a passion for the island country, The Philippines.

You booked a hotel on the island in front of White Beach in Boracay, Aklan, a popular beach spot.

You were tanning on the beach, planning to play and swim in the water later. The sun was shining brightly, and the splashing of the waves was slowly putting you to sleep.

Until you heard feet running past you, and obnoxious yelling and screaming of a male voice, eventually splashing in the water.

You groaned, sitting up and taking off your wayfarers, looking up at the culprit whom was now in the water.

He was very tan, and very well built. He had dark brown hair and bright golden eyes.

He seemed so familiar......

"Juan!!!!" You yelled, standing up and running into the water.

"(Y/N)!!!" Juan yelled.

You ran into his arms, the water slightly slowing you.

"Oh my god Juan I thought I'd never see you again!!" You began crying.

"No (Y/N) don't cry.." Juan whispered, resting his cheek on the top of your head as a tear slid out of his eye.

"How long has it been? 5 years? Since the last time I came here with China?" You cried, hugging him tightly.

Juan was your best friend. You were taken away from the Philippines by Spain, whom wanted you to stay with him, but China took you away from Spain and brought you back to your favorite country 5 years ago, where you hadn't returned, up until yesterday.

"Yes, yes..." He cried, holding you in his arms. He is so happy you are finally in his arms again that he doesn't want to let you go.

"(Y/N) I-"

"Juan I love you! I love you so much! I don't want to leave you ever again!" You sobbed.

What were the chances that your best friend just happened to be on this very island, at this very time?

"(Y/N) I love you too!" He picked you up and swirled you around in the water.

You laughed/cried as he did so.

You kissed him sweetly, the kind of kiss that shows the passion you have for somebody.

He continued holding you. Your hands were around his muscular shoulders, had your face rested on his broad chest.

You have never felt happier in your life. That piece of your heart that was gone from Juan's absence has been filled.

He completed you, and you were his everything.

Hetalia Kisses!! (slowly updating again c: )Where stories live. Discover now