Romano x Insane! Reader

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Requested by @Syntrofos :3


You sat in the back of the classroom by yourself, sneaking glances up at your crush, Lovino Vargas, who sat a couple of rows ahead of yours.

Murmuring meaningless and odd things to yourself, you continued working on the sketch you were drawing of the young, handsome Italian man.

"(Y/N)!" Your teacher said, and your eyes snapped up to her. "Do you know the answer to the question?"

Your eyes shifted their gaze from her to the white board.

Every student in the room was looking at you, some of the meaner ones whispering amongst one another.

You narrowed your eyes a little as the numbers that were written on the board scrambled around and moved, twitched, and even popped off of the board. It wasn't really happening, of course, but it was to you. "I can't answer that. The numbers are funny."

Most of your fellow peers in the room laughed at you, but Lovino, who was looking back at you, frowned a little.

He's known you for years, and even though he's never said anything to you, not a single word, he cares about you. And he cares enough to realise that you've been acting strange lately.

Even your teacher almost cracked up a little at your reply. Murmuring a couple of random words to yourself once more, you merely looked back down at you drawing and added some shading to it.

"Freak," a boy sitting behind you whispered. You just smiled. He didn't know you, or your story. That seems to be the only thing you take comfort in. The fact that they don't know you or your story.

When the bell rung, you gathered your stuff up, only to drop it on the way out. Your books and pencils all scattered across the hallway, and the other students just went around you like river water around a rock.

You bit your lip and reached for a pencil, only to cry out in pain when the boy who called you a freak purposely stepped on your hand and smirked. He was shoved away from you, surprisingly, by Lovino.

Your jaw dropped as you watched him shout a few words at the boy, who quickly hurried off. Lovino had a terrible temper; everybody knew it; and he was the last person anyone wanted to get in a fight with.

"Are you okay, ragazza?" The tanned Italian asked, helping you pick up your books and pencils.

"Okay," You replied, "Okay I'm okay. Nothing wrong with me..." You teared up.

He handed you your stuff and looked at you, concern etched onto his attractive face.

"I'm okay.." You said, and mumbled a few words under your breath before leaving Lovi, who was already late for class, in the middle of the empty hallway.

~ 2 months later

You had stopped coming to school, your mental illness had gotten worse and worse. You had paid no attention to any of your classes, and now you were in a mental hospital, surrounded by others who were twice as crazy, if not more; than you.

You sat in your small, whitewashed room, looking out the window and admiring the sound and sight of the rain as it danced along the cobblestone pebbles in the courtyard just outside of your room. The courtyard was the only part of this place you liked. Sure, you had made friends, but they never crossed your mind when you were alone like this.

Now, you ask, who was on your mind on this dreary day?

Lovino Vargas.

You couldn't stop thinking about him. Every time you closed your eyes, there he was, burned into your eyelids; that wading thought that never ceased to leave your mind.

You had drawn him during your time here, but none of the doctors or nurses let you hang up your pictures up on the walls, and it drove you mad. Your room was so plain, so damn boring.

It was so plain it hurt.

"(Y/N)." A guard said from outside of your door. You looked up, eyebrows raised.


"You have a visitor." The guard said gruffly. "I'll let you out in a minute to go see him."

'How odd..' You thought to yourself, only to forget what you were just thinking about and what the guard just told you.

You jumped in surprise when the thick metal door opened, looking up at the guard with wide eyes. "Why are you opening that?!"

"You have a visitor, remember?" He sighed. "Come on (Y/N). Let's get you in your straight jacket."

You whimpered as the guard put on your straight jacket and guided you from your room. You hated this. Nobody bothered to visit you for the past two months, so why the fuck should they care now?

You were led into the big room and forced onto a chair by the guard, who then walked off. Your eyes followed where he was going and you saw a glimpse of a tan Italian man... with an angry expression on his face and a curl.

Your heart nearly stopped in your chest. What the hell was he doing here?!

Lovino had come to visit you and confess his feelings, but he was told he wasn't allowed to make any kind of physical contact with you.


He merely nodded when the guard finished and was led inside of the room, where he saw you.

"Lovino?!" You gasped.

"Si, ragazza." He smiled gently at you, something you were certain he didn't do around others. The monitors watched the two of you closely.

You started crying. "L-Lovino, I can't get you out of my mind and I'm a-always drawing you and I want you to know that I-" you were cut off by his lips, which were suddenly on yours.

It took less than a second for you to respond and kiss him back, and you naturally went to wrap your arms around his neck, but this desired action was halted by nothing other than that stupid straight jacket.

Guards rushed into the room and grabbed Lovino harshly by his arms and shoulders, pulling him away from you and breaking the kiss.

He was quickly yanked out of the room, but not before he got the chance to yell;

"I love you (Y/N)!"

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