kylo's return

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Picture: 6-7 y/o anakin and kylo
Two months later:
It had been two months since you had given birth to Anakin and hera the two twins. The officers had fallen in love with the two babies especially mitaka and his who were constantly asking to help you with them.

Today was the day kylo was returning and kylo was nervous about seeing you as he didn't even know if the birth had been successful he was eager to see you as the shuttle approaches the base and docked ten walked out quickly seeing hux waiting for him "ren it's good to see you"he said smiling "you too get where's sato did she give birth to the baby alright"he asked nervously "babies she had twins"he replied smiling at ren "she named the boy Anakin and the girl hera"he added looking at Kylo's face lighten up.hux led kylo up to the command bridge where you and mitaka were watching the twins. As soon as you saw kylo you placed hera back into her cot and ran up to kylo pulling into a hug "god sato i was so worried"he whispered into your ear sweetly "well im okay..."you said smiling letting go of kylo and grabbing his hand and leading him over to where mitaka and her where sitting picking hera up and placing her gently into Kylo's arms. Kylo looked down at the red haired baby who looked up to him confused, when you turned around kylo smiled at the baby girl who scrunched her little face up and stuck out her tongue at ren giving him a sly smirk "hm why is she being snarky?"he asked looking over at you "hux holds her alot i can see why she is"you replied chuckling taking hera from him and placing anakin in his arms. Kylo looked down at the dark haired blue eyed baby who looked at his father for a moment before smiling making Kylo's heart flutter "this is amazing"he whispered over to you "we're gunna be great parents"you replied happily

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