chapter 18 , the pilot and the droid

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you and kylo woke up to the sound of phasma screaming at you to get up because they had captured a resistance pilot you told kylo to stay in bed and that you would deal with him so you got  dressed and put your mask on you grabbed your saber and left for the prison cells. when you goth there you recognized him immediately it was poe. you walked in and he started struggling to get free as soon as he saw you."WHERES Y/N" he screamed  "you mean sato" you replied poe remembered that sato was your real name and that y/n was just the name you used as to not draw attention to yourself. you invaded his mind tormenting him with the force. when you stopped he started to cry begging that you were ok you felt bad for him and took your helmet off revealing to him who you were "you used to be so much stronger than this poe" you mocked "you were my best friend ato why why would you do this to me" he cried you were about to reply when a trooper came in with the small droid BB-8.

you pulled a drive stick from your belt and approached the droid first you went into its database dammit the map is gone you thought the droid was useless you held onto it as it struggled to break free you plunged the drive into its side killing its life source extracting it into the drive. "no bb-8 no no no YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A HORRIBLE THING" the pilot cried in a distressed manner "REY IS GOING TO GET TO YOU WHEN SHE HEARS WHAT YOUVE DONE" he added you replied by using the force yet again on his head as you hunted his mind for the location of the rebel base then you found it."everyone on that base is going to die all thanks to your weak mind" you said with a smile  you put on your mask and left the room were poe stayed screaming for her not to do it. you walked briskly to the command bridge and informed hux of what you had found. he then started barking orders at people to prepare for the attack on the rebel base.

troopers ran about preparing for launch and you ran to your room to get kylo up and dressed he was going to find this very fun

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