chapter 16,i still love you

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3rd person

kylo walked down the corridor still infuriated by what hux had done to sato it was so unfair. he passed aimee seeing immediately that she had his saber "why do you have that" he asked her "oh pest control" she replied kylo grabbed the lightsaber and ran down the hall he was able to hear aimee laughing from behind him he knew right then what had happened. he ran down the halls until he found a trail of bloody foot steps they had the print of aimees boots on them. kylo continued to follow the trail until he found her lying bleeding on the floor he picked her up and took her to the infirmary where he put her on the bed and called for a medic. a doctor came and took her shirt off showing her bloody torso and scarred arms. when kylo saw her arms he started crying under his helmet knowing he was the cause of it. The medic looked over her injuries and then told kylo she should recover so he bandaged her up and let her sleep.

When she woke up kylo was immediately hugging her whispering apologies into her ear he then pulled away and kissed her "w-what about aimee" she asked "im done with her she threatened me while you were away saying she knew someone that she would send to kill you if i didnt become her boyfriend then soon later she said you were dead and I believed her" kylo cried. She pulled him into a hug saying she were so sorry for hurting him she also apologised for what happened with took her another three days to recover and when she did she found aimee and burnt her until she died of blood loss.she wasnt gunna let anyone else take him away from her

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