The Human Spell

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    The day Jay and I tried out the spell he found was definitely a big one. I was surprised when he showed it to me, because it looked like the scroll for the Bring-Zach-Back-To-Life potion scroll, really old and kinda dark. He could tell me where he had found it, because he barely went to the Archive and couldn't retrace himself. It was also written in the same language as the BZBTL scroll, so Zach would have to help us of course.

It's a spell alright. He said. I'm gonna need to help you, in fact I think I think I'm going to have to do this for you myself.

I stared at the crumbling paper curiously.

"Where did you even learn this stuff?" I shook my head, amused. "Alright. Let's go Jay."

He perked up from where we had been laying on the ground, promptly flicking snow at me. "We ready to go?"

"Oh yeah."

We flew off into the sky and past the border of the Ice-claws territory, until we had warmer drafts to carry us farther until we found a good warm green clearing that look reasonably quiet and calm.

"Alright Zach, you ready?"

"I'm ready." Jay added unnecessarily.

Yeah, this is gonna be hard though, and it'll only last for a short time. I might not have the strength to talk to you again for a few days so remember the list.

I nodded. "Alright, we're both ready.

Zach started murmuring things under his breath. Suddenly Jays ears flicked back.

"Hey I can hear him too."

"Really? That's great." I said cheerily.

Then things started to get weird. The world kinda twisted and warped before me until suddenly I was looking at nothing but a hazy blue and bright white light. Then it was over, just like that.

I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was how incredibly dull the whole world looked. Then pushed myself up and looked at myself.

It was cold out now. I was covered in weird white skins that looked hard to take off. There was also weird yellowy long blonde fur coming off my head. It had worked.

The spell to turn the two of us human had actually worked.

I looked over at Jay, who was wearing a similar outfit, with dark I think is what Zach called it? He was clutching at his meager human replacement for ears.

"Great Glamora." He exclaimed, as if he was extremely annoyed. "I can't hear anything!"

"Are you still blind?" I asked.

He nodded, his face squished up like he had swallowed something sour. "I hate this."

"Well Zach said it won't last that long, so let's not plan of being like this for more than a few days okay?" I told him, helping him up on his feet.

Everything was strangely far away from all the way up here.

"Side note, do we actually know where to go from here?" He asked, wobbling a lot and clutching my arm in a death grip.

"I have a vague sense of direction." I assured him. "It'll be easy, we'll be done in no time."

"If you say so." He muttered under his breath. "How do humans stand themselves, honestly this is worse than being blind."

I laughed gently and he stopped growing for a it. "We should get going before it's gets dark. Remember it's for Zach and we don't have that much time."

"You're right, you lead." He agreed.

Together we started off for what I knew was the direction of Zach's old house.


I've got an updating schedule, which means I will abandon this book NO LONGER. Expect a new chapter every Monday from now on! And if I fail to deliver, feel free to bug me about it!

This is so short I'm hissing, hopefully they'll start to get longer.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day <3

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