Keep On Dreaming

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You ever want to do something, but are afraid? Afraid of the outcome, who it can affect or if it'll be a mistake? I know I have. Too many times have I wanted to go out and be myself, yet fear holds me back. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to be a failure. I want to give my crazy dreams and wilds ideas everything I've got. I'm just fearful of what that can bring.

A dream of mine is to be a Youtuber. Obviously, that can never happen, but it's a dream. Every person has at least imagined what life would be like if they gained world popularity. It just can't happen to every person that tries. Only a few get lucky. That being said, there are also issues that would occur if (and this is a big 'if') that were to happen. I won't go into detail. There are too many for me to list. So, I wanted to go for something realistic: a movie producer/editor. I still would love to be able to create films and expand my editing skills. However, does that mean I'll give up on Youtube? No. I still want to make videos because I enjoy doing so. They help me open up and be more social. Plus, I can still follow my passion to make skits or just random videos no matter what. It's for me and whoever it can help out.

Another dream from when I was younger was to be an actress. Personally, I can't act. I am going to join Drama when I return to school, but I don't know if I'll play a role. I just feel like it'd be entertaining and fun. Plus, my cousin is an actor and he told me that you don't have to play a major role in order to be well-known. That being said, he played a dead guy on a police drama TV show. I kinda wonder if he was just like, "Look! That's me! I'm the dead guy on the ground!" while pointing to the television. I'll need to ask him that next time I see him. My point is I could try to live that dream, but with my socially anxiety and inability to act, I don't think I'll make the cut.

There were times that I wanted to say "I'll be someone of great importance and the world will know my name!". But, little did 6-year-old me know that big dreams die hard, or diminish with time. Not everything you want or dream of will become your reality. But, what I do know is to never stop dreaming. Sure, impossible goals like going into space or having harmony with the world won't come true. But, I won't stop thinking and imagining the outcomes and possibilities of any situation. They keep me going. They keep me wondering. They tell me to second guess any situation I'm in. So what if no one knows my name? So what if my dreams stay dreams? At least I'll have them and treasure them until my days are up. But, if one of my dreams were to come true, I'd be the happiest person ever. And it doesn't have to be an out-of-this-world dream. It can be a small dream. I could have someone I look up to notice me (which has actually happened a few times). I could create a short film that my family would be proud of. I could write something and actually be stunned at myself for how amazing it sounds. I could sketch something and be amazed at how well it turned out. Small goals. Tiny dreams. They'll complete any large dreams that have crossed my mind. They'll tell me I'm successful at what I do. They'll make up who I am.

So, if you have dreams, don't give up on them. They may come true someday.

(I really don't know what this is. I just started typing and this is what came out.)

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