It's Been A Year...(repost)

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(Already posted in my one-shots)

It's been a year.

An entire fucking year.

Seems like only yesterday to me, but no it's a year.

It's been a year since you've left us. Three-hundred, sixty-five days that you've been gone.

And I hate that.

I hate that it's been a year since you tried to take your life.

I hate that it's been a year since the demons won the battle.

I hate that you aren't here anymore.

Because I miss you.

So many people miss you.

It's hard not to cry on this day.

I've cried so much already and I still am now.

I've listened to your songs.

I've watched some of the videos you made and showed up in.

I've seen the fan art, the pictures, the old tweets.

By now, I've seen it all.

The problem is that none of those will ever be updated.

They just stop.

I want them to continue, though.

But, they'll never be touched.

And that just pains me even more.

Your journey ended too quickly.

You were supposed to stay here for a long time.

But, you're gone, never to come back.

I do not mourn you on a daily basis like I used to.

But today, I'm allowed to mourn as much as I want.

I'm allowed to cry and think about the good times.

I'm allowed to miss you.

So, Daniel, I know you'll never see these words, but I want to write them anyway. I miss you, so fucking much and I think about you a bit too often. I just want you to know that I'll never forget about you. You've done so much for me in my life that I'll never be able to tell you about at this time. But, I hope someday I'll get to see you. And, if I get that privilege to meet you, I'm going to hold you close and cry my eyes out like I am now. I'll tell you of what I know and what I've learned throughout my time. I'll say how much of an impact you've had on me and so many others. I hope you know that we all love you and miss you as the days go by. Until we meet, Daniel Kyre, I'll always be thinking of you. May you find the peace you were looking for. I'll be seeing you.


You're the bomb

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You're the bomb.

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