Chapter 1 (Dear Zombie, Don't Count Me In)

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Chapter 1  


Dear Zombie, Don't Count Me In

I bit back the whimper as he passed by me, bumping our shoulders slightly, and his scent overwhelmingly filling my nostrils almost making my knees buckle under me from how bitter sweet it smelt. I glanced around hoping no one saw my reaction then scoffed at myself and mentally kicked myself. Kai and Alex both seemed to be ignoring me, as usual, and completely attentive to their work. Kai shifted beside me, brushing his shoulder against mine and nudging me slightly to grab my attention from my perfect view of the perfect boy's back side, and tilting his head gesturing he wanted me to follow. I sighed and slung the black bag further on my shoulder and shifted my own weight as I waited for the shorter man to lead.  

"I just don't see why we're taking all these precautions when I know damn well there is nothing here!" I growled.  

Kai shushed me, keeping an eye on the man ahead of us, Alex, who was engrossed with finding signs of anything that was non-human as we shuffled down the hall. I was a bit insulted as I rolled my eyes, but kept my mouth shut. I had defiantly checked this wing three times already. I recognized every toppled over desk, locked doors, and anyway they could of possibly found a way in was blocked by heavy metal filing cabinets, tall shelves that looked sturdy ( in my eyes), and a helpful finding of planks (no thanks to Alex or Kai). 

Cole jogged half-heartedly up behind us, whispering with a hoarse voice that he had found a few in the west wing but added it was blocked off by a glass wall and a locked door. Alex nodded. 

He was defiantly the leader of our group, Kai placing a close second. I was the screw up in our happy little "family" and wasn't trusted with very big responsibilities, especially not alone. I hated to disappoint Alex. He had already saved my life thousands of times, even before the whole apocalypse thing! Alex had been my best friend ever since he moved to Baltimore when he was seven. We've been joined at the hip and inseparable for most of our lives. Alex glanced back at me, flashing me a small grin, and said, "Jack, you'll come with me. Kai with Cole to the North wing, Rian and Zack are at the South, Jack and I are taking the East." Kai nodded turning back to Cole.  

I listened to the patter of their boots against the linoleum floors as they staggered away and held my tongue until I knew they were completely out of hearing.  

"Couldn't resist getting me alone Gaskarth?" I joked pulling at the straps of my bag.  

Alex glanced at me, shook his head with a playfully smile, and sighed, "Even at the end of the world, Jacky, you always seem to find a way to be the biggest ignorant prick alive!"  

I shot him a toothy grin and cried, "There's not much competition! Every other ignorant prick is either you or dead!"  

Alex smiled but I couldn't help but see the pain in his eyes. Everyone else had died. How long did we have?  

I placed a hand on his shoulder stopping the shorter man in his tracks. His sigh came out shaky and almost chocked at the end -as if he let the breath drag out for too long. "I love you, man." He finally said his voice still a bit shaky, "I love you and if anything happens I just want to make sure you know-" 

"Alex, Alex, com'on man! No mushy stuff. When we get done, safe and sound, we'll go home and I'll snuggle you and spoon you and kiss you for an hour, but not here, man. Not right now..." I trailed off as I looked up at our destination.  

Alex nodded and before he could turn around I pulled him into a long hug and breathed, "I love you too, though." Then patted his back reassuringly with a forced smile and nodded.  

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