"Lest He Become the Monster"

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Name: Ransom Turner

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human

Setting: Modern day fantasy, horror

Looks: Ransom is reasonably tall and of medium weight and build. Brown shaggy hair, eyes that are such a dark red they're usually mistaken for brown. He's heavily tattooed. Ransom definitely looks his age, as he constantly has heavy shadows under his eyes and is pretty scruffy, not shaving nearly as often as he should.

Personality: gruff, loner, unexcitable, fatherly, protective, fearless, blunt, introspective, troubled.

About: Ransom is a part of a secret association of warlocks, which means he has supernatural abilities; he belongs to the special missions branch. He's a professional monster hunter. Ransom chose this path after his young son was killed by a monster. Ransom was mauled by the same monster when he attempted to enter the Underworld, Osiris's realm, to get his son back. Since then, he's been dependent upon monster ichor to survive (the life essence). Though he seems callous on the outside, Ransom is an adamant protector of human lives. However, he has a dark secret that causes him to distance himself from other people...

 However, he has a dark secret that causes him to distance himself from other people

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Setting 1.
Ransom slipped some papers out of an official-looking manila envelope with the seal of the Association on it. Black ink tattoos ran up and down his bare arms; some were pictures, others words, others symbols, and still others covered up some old, vicious looking scars. There was a katana strapped to his back, over the leather vest he wore. After his reddish eyes scanned the papers quickly he turned them coldly on you. "You're my partner for this assignment? Why you?"

Other setting: up to you.

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