An angel from heaven <3

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If you can't take the scenes, i prefer you to not read it.

Thanks ! 😘


Destiny POV

I woke to the bright sun shining thru my room window. It was a friday morning and I needed to get up to get ready for school. I did my hygiene thing, then went to choose my outfit. I decided on baggy pants and a long sleeve shirt. I threw my mid-back length hair into a bun and headed to the kitchen to find something. I doubt its one food vessel in there cause my dad always brought himself something to eat and ate it before he got home. I was lucky to find a strawberry poptart in the empty cabinet. I grabbed the poptart and ate it on my way to the bus stop. As i was walking thru the neightbor hood i heard men trynna holla at me but i jus ignored them and continued to head to the bus stop. I finally reached the bus stop and i saw my best friend Teara. Me nd her went way back to dem diaper days and here we are seniors at West Bound High. The bus arrived a few minutes later than normal and me and Teara got on. Wen we arrived at school, there was a group of boys that always stood in front of the school that always tried to get the hoes numbers, but looked pass then more respectful girls. As i looked their way it was this one dude who really stood out to meh. As i walked by he caught a glance at me nd winked at meh. I can admit he was dat finest out of all five of them. I have never seen him before so i guess he was new here. As i walked in my 1st block class, arithmetic, i saw him sittn in the back of the room scrolling on his phone. As class began, he asked me if he could borrow a pencil, and of course i said sure. Wen class ended he ask me my name, and i told him. I asked him wat was his name, and he said Quentin, "Q" for short. So we walked down the hall together goin to lunch. He asked if he could sit with meh and Teara and i said yes. 4hours later it was time to go home. As i was about to step onto the bus he called mi name and turned around to greet him. He asked if he could have my number and he gave me his phone so i could put it in his contacts. We finally arrived at the bus stop in my neighborhood. I got off the bus and headed home. I reached my apartment door and unlocked it. As walked inside i saw my dad sitting on the couch smokin a blount watching football. I went to my room, and my dad burst into my room. He walked over to me grabbing my arm and throwing me on my bed. He started to rip my clothes off and positioned himself at my entrance. I cried and pleaded him not to do this to me but he wouldnt listen. He rammed himself into and i yelped out in pain. He rapped meh in many positions and wen he reached his climax he burst inside meh. Right then i knew i was pregnant. I wanted to escape this hurt. This abuse. But hw?

Quenton POV

So i met this cute girl named Destiny at school. She really didnt seem like a bad girl type as in doin the wrong things. She really stood out to meh because she wasnt one of them hoes that i jus hit it and quit it she one of them good girls. One of them girls who was very independent and wanted to do something with her life and not waste it. Im part of the drug dealing life but wen it come to school i dont play. One thang I promised my great grandmother before she died was i was goin to graduate high school. She died because she had a tumour that had formed in her brain. Antywho i decided i was gon call Destiny wen i got home from doin business. Wen i called her she really was soundin like she wasnt ok . It sounded like something was wrong with her. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it and she said yeah meet me at my apartment and she gave me her address. Wen i got off the phone with her i got in my all white Rose Roise and drove to her apartment. Wen i got there i walked to her apartment door and there was a note sayin her dad onli had 3 days to pay rent or they would b put out. I knocked on the door until Destiny cam to the door with her eyes blood shot red and her hair was all over her head. I let myself in without her sayn come in. I asked her was she alright and she said no. I told her to tell me wat was wrong and she told meh her dad had rapped her. Wen she told me that my fist instantly balled up and i punched da wall. She looked at me with confusion then her face expression change because she could tell i cared about her. Wen i calm down i pulled her into a tight hug. We stood there for 20 minutes in each others hold and company. Then she pulled away and wiped her tears. I then gave her the eviction notice and she started crying again nd i jus held her. While i was holding her i decided she could stay in my guest house. Wen i asked if she wanted to she said yes and went to pack her things.

Destiny POV

Quentin asked me if i would like to move into his guest house. I said sure and went to pack the little clothes i did have, my toiletries, and anything else that i needed. before we were headed out the door my dad came back and was so drunk that he was stumbling over himself and badly slurring his words. Quentin and i jus ignored him and continued to walk out the door until my hung over dad yanked my hair back and i fell to the ground and hit my head hard. And blackness took over me.

Quentin POV

As we were about to walk past her father she instantly fell back and hit her head hard and she passed out. At that point i was ready to kill him, but instead i punched him in his face and left the apartment with Destiny hanging across my shoulder. 30 minutes later we arrived at my house and i drove around to the guest house. I got Destiny out and took her to the master bedroom. I went to the bathroom closet to get a face rag and run hot water on it. I rung some of the water out and went to place it over her head. A few moments later she began to moan and groan in pain and i knew she was gonna b ok. I gave her some pain killers to help ease the pain. I told her i would sleep in the room across from the master bedroom until she gets better. She agreed and went back to sleep.

Destiny POV

I woke up with a little pain but better than before. Wen i opened my eyes i asked myself how did i get here and where was i. I guess Quentin heard me and he walked into the room. He told me wat had happened and where was i and it all cane back to meh. At this point i was more than happy to get away from that apartment. My moma abandoned us to marry a rich physiologist. Wen she left thats wen my dad got addicted to drugs.

2 days later..

Quentin POV

A few days after i asked Destiny to move into to my guest house, she started to feel a lot better. It was now a Monday morning and i decided i would stay home with Destiny and chill. So for the rest of the day we jus chilled and learned more about each other. I learned that her mom did the same thang my dad did wen i was younger. But, now that im takin responsibilities that were his, im getting around in life. My number one lady is my moma and i give her everything she need unless she wants sumthing. Around 4:30 pm someone knocked on my door. I went to open it and there stood a girl i fxcked about 5 months ago, with a now huge belly signalling she was pregnant. I jus stood there shocked because i didnt kno wat i would do with a baby.

Destiny POV

Today was Monday and i needed sum rest. I decided to stay in. Quentin stayed as well and we talked and learned more about each other. Around 6:00pm i went over to the main house where Quentin was staying and asked if he wanted something to eat. Maybe i was bein nice today to cook for someone who was able to help me escape from hell. I decided on friend pork shops, mac&cheese, and collard greens. About one hour later the food was ready. I fixed our plate and we sat at the table, prayed, and ate our food. After we ate i washed the dishes and went back to the guest room. As i was headed out to the door, Quentin asked if he could talk to me about something. And i stayed and listened. He told me a girl he fxcked 5 months ago came by, and she was pregnant. He was so confised and dumbfounded that he never really looked me in my face not once wen he told me. Its like he was disappointed in himself, or he really wasnt lookn forward to it. I told him everything would b fine jus let the unimportant thing go.

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