Back To School

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Two weeks later...

I got my cast taken off yesterday and they gave me a boot to wear. Soda and Darry make wear it all the time. I had to get put asleep when they took my cast off. It was drill they used to take it off. I was panicking and they didn't want me to panic too much and then make my breathing bad. So they put me to sleep and then they took the cast off. I woke up feeling funny too, Soda laughed at me. He was the one who took me yesterday. My whole leg is purple, from being in the cast and being bruised.

I woke up this morning from someone tapping my shoulder. I rolled over in my bed and pulled the covers over my head blocking them out. I laid there and then someone yelled outside me room. No idea who did, but the gang must be here too. They pulled the blankets off me and I stuck my face in the pillow.

"Zay, time for school" Pony said.

"No, I don't want to go" I said. Then he picked me up and brought me out of my room. I hide my face in his shoulder and held onto him so I didn't fall. Even though they never drop me. They never have before.

"Is she sick?" Darry asked.

"No, she don't want to go to school" Pony said.

"Way to go Pony" I mumbled. He set me down on the counter and I laid across the counter hiding my face. I have my boot on my leg too, but it's clean and brand new. After we came home yesterday I fell asleep and woke up this morning.

"Zay, you gonna eat?" Soda asked.

"Do I have to go to school?" I asked.

"Yes" Darry said.

"Then no" I said.

"I gotta go, Stevie and I got early shifts" Soda said.

"Bye" We all said. Soda left and then Darry left. Ponyboy got ready for school and made sure I went to school. He dropped me off and then left to go to his school. He's in the same grade as Johnny. Johnny got held back a year and Pony got moved up one. They're both in grade 11, I'm in 4. I walked up the path and sat at the side of the school, by myself as usual. Jayden didn't show up yet and I know he's not coming back.

The bell rang and I walked into the school. I walked to my new grade 4 class and sat down in the very back. As usual, I have people around me. I got two girls and 2 boys who sit around me. I put my head on the desk. The teacher came in and walked up to me. She slapped her ruler on my desk and I sat up.

"No sleeping in class Curtis" She said.

"I wasn't sleeping" I said.

"Are you sassing a teacher?" I shook my head no and stood there scared.

"No miss" I said.

"Better not sass me no more" She turned around and walked to the front of the class. I sat back down and the one boy beside me leaned over and said " Hey greasy trash". I gave him a death glare and he leaned back into his chair. He kept calling me names all class long and I had enough. I once again got up and called him "White trash that's ugly" I yelled in his face. He got up and slapped me across the face. Then he got on top of me and pinned my arms down. I got one arm free and punched him front and center of his face. I made his noise bleed pretty good. I got his blood on my shirt. He then punched me in the jaw. Before he could do anything else the teacher pulled us apart.

"Stop it both of you. Sass mouth sit down and you sit" She yelled. The whole class looked at her and she went back to her desk. His noise is still bleeding and I'm rubbing my cheek. She walked to the two of us and said "Detention for both of you after school" She said. We both nodded.

The day went on even longer then expected. Him and I got in another fight, I ended up with a black eye and so did he. We got three hours of detention. Him and I had two teachers following  us to the office. We sat down in the office and we weren't allowed to talk.

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