Jason's New Home

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Jason's POV

I woke up this morning dead tired. I got here last night late, the ride here was 5 hours for some reason. I have my own room, for now I guess. Because I have bunk bed room, so two of everything. I got out of bed and looked around my room, empty. No life here or anything. I already know I'm gonna hate it here.

I walked downstairs and went to the cafeteria. I walked in and saw more boys then I've ever seen in my whole life. Like 500 of them here, that many need "special help" I like to call it. I don't need any, but people say I do. I went to the tray stand and grabbed one. They put bowls and stuff on my plate for breakfast. I walked to the back of the room and sat down at an empty table. I looked at my food and most of it is okay. I mean I don't think my bagel is suppose to have green and blue dots on it. I ate it anyway, it was pretty good.

Then a group of three guys walked over to my table and sat at the other end. I pushed my plate away and put my head on the table. Then I heard little screeching noises. I put my head up and saw the three guys around me at my end of the table.

"Hey new kid" One with brown hair said.

"Sup?" I said.

"For starters you know you ate moldy food?" He said.


"Was it good?" The black haired one asked. I nodded my head. Who are these boys and why are they around me? I hate it here and don't need friends. I need enemies is what I need. It'll be more fun here that way.

"So wanna join our little gang?"

"Sure, but one question"

"Shoot" He said.

"Do ya got any rivals here? I am a fighter"

"I can tell, you're a greaser from Tulsa or New York?"

"Tulsa, you?"

"We're all New York boys" He said.

"Cool, what your names?"

"Shoot, I'm Ryan and this is Jake and Michael" Ryan said.

"You?" Jake said.

"I'm Jason Winston" I said.

"You're related the famous Dallas Winston?" They three of them yelled.

"Shh, keep it down"


"I don't need people coming up to me and asking questions." I said.

"C'mon follow us" Ryan said. I got up and left my tray of food there. I followed them out of the cafeteria and we went down some hallway and went to a room. He shut the door and we were all in a room filled with junk.

"Why we here?" I asked.

"So no one knows who ya are, spill" Jake said.

"Bout what?"

"How you got here" Ryan said.

"Okay and then y'all tell me your story"

"Deal" The three of them said.

"Me and my sister have always been those two odd ones. Our parents beat us and abuse us to death. We basically grew up on the streets and learn how to fight. We went to a school one day and met a girl. My gosh is she nice and pretty. We formed a little group between the three of us. I got mad because the socs were jumping her and my sister. I robbed a gas station with them. We got put all over the news and radios, everything. We went to jail and got told next time there is no more chances. Socs kept jumping them and stuff like that. I had enough and I'd rob gas stations over and over again on my own or with one of the girls. I got into a fight one day to help save Zay, the girl I mentioned. She broke a boy's arm and he was like 18 or 19. I beat the crap outta some guys too. We robbed a gas station and stole money after that. We got a night in jail and then Zay and I get 4 years in reform school and my sister gets a year and half" I told them.

"Wow, so ya like a girl?" Jake said.

"Yeah, but I'm a bit of a player like Dallas" I said.

"Our turn"

"So like you, we grew up on the wrong side of town. We had enough one day and beat the crap outta some guys. We robbed gas stations and different stores. It got so bad that Micheal here may have killed someone. He killed a 12 year old boy. We ran away and got caught. We've been here for over a month now. We get out the same time as you. Jake and I are more chatty then Micheal is. He got beat so mush and jumped. But he can sure fight when needed. So you got a blade?" Ryan said/ told his story.

"Yeah, Zay said to bring one"

"You listen to girls?"

"No, I was gonna bring one anyway, but I didn't need to cause a fight" I said.

"Oh" We left the room and went to their room. They had three beds, desks, closets, dressers and two bath rooms. My gosh. Micheal sat on his bed and read a car magasin, top bunk is his bed. Ryan has bottom and Jake sleeps on the other bed on the other side of the room. I sat ont he desk chair and Ryan took another one. We talked for a little, Micheal eventually fell asleep.

"So Micheal, does he usually never talk and sleep most of the time?" I asked.

"Yeah, since he don't talk much he sleeps"

"Wanna do something fun?" Jake asked. I nodded and we left the room. We left Micheal to sleep.Most of the younger boys are already asleep, like the ones around our age.  The teens stay up until like 1:00 am in the morning. We walked down the stairs and down the halls and went to some room. The room has a pool table and arcade games.

"Woah where'd you find this?" I asked.

"Don't know, but it's for the personal or staff or whatever people call them." Ryan said. The three of us played pool and drank cokes. I hit the ball and it bounced off the side and broke a light. Damn am I gonna be in trouble here.

"Ohh" They cheered. I smiled and they laughed. Man do I like these two. I wonder how Lilly and Zay are? If they met anyone other then officers or staff. We played until all lights shut off in the building. I ran to my room and locked the door. They ran to theirs and told me to meet them at breakfast in the morning. I didn't go to sleep though when I got here. I should write a letter to the girls. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Hey Girls,
How's a goin? I have already met three guys and were a gang now. I've broken some rules already and I am sure you have to or at least Lilly yelled at someone for waking her up. I have school here and it sucks. I haven't done any classes yet. Be careful with the people. My new gang flipped when they heard I was related to the famous Dallas Winston.
Anyway, when you get the time could y'all write back and tell me how things are?
-Jason Winston."

I wrote that and then went to bed. I'll send it in the morning or something. I gotta sleep if I am getting up early for breakfast and what not. Food's okay here, I now know not to eat bagels with blue and green dots. It's called mold apparently. But If my mother taught me then I would've known about it.

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