Lot To Do In One Week 2

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I've been up for awhile now. I am outside sitting on the steps alone. The others are asleep. I leave tomorrow and the gang doesn't want me to now that the day is actually here. I looked at the road and saw a figure on the grass beside the road. I got up off the steps and ran over to the figure. Then I got hit with something and it knocked the wind outta me. I fell next to the figure, who is Lilly. I looked at her and she ain't awake. I laid there face in the grass coughing. Then they were beating us and I heard yelling and screaming.

"Leave them alone!" They screamed, it sounded like the gang but I'm not too sure.

I saw figures running away and then me get picked up from the ground coughing. Whoever had me stroked my hair and said everything would be fine. I looked down and saw someone pick up Lilly. My vision ain't too good from getting hit with something in the face.

"S-soda? T-that you?" I stuttered.

"Yeah Baby it's me" He said. They carried Lilly and I back to the house. Once we got to the house I got put on the couch. They left to get something and I rolled over facing the back of the couch. I was almost asleep and then I think Soda came with a cloth to clean my face.

I rolled back over and looked at him. I sat up on the couch and I honestly feel like a zombie that came back to life. He cleaned my face and anywhere else that is bloody. My vision cleared up and I saw Dally with his cousin, Lilly. He might have a soft spot for her and Jason too. I won't ask, he could get mad. I'll have Two-bit ask and see what happen. I'm sure he will without me even telling him to do. I closed my eyes and fell asleep while the others watched tv.


I sat up and rubbed my eyes from a deep sleep. I looked around and saw no one, where'd they go? Lilly's just waking up on the couch next to me. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then the front door opened and they all came in. Johnny sat between Lilly and I. Two-bit, Dal, Stevie and Soda took the other couch. Pony read book in Darry's chair. Lilly and I are leaving tomorrow and you go and read book!? I got up and walked over to Pony. I took his book and chucked it across the living room.

"Hey!" He said.

"Book more important then Lilly and I ?" I asked.

"No, you were asleep"

"Was and were"

"You've made your point" He said and picked me up. I sat on his lap and watched Mickey mouse. Obviously Two put that on.

I got bored and wanted some action, maybe I can go find Jason. After all he is leaving for 4 years as well as me. I got up and walked outside. I ran down the road and made my way to some places where he could be. Such as robbing a gas station, maybe his house, park, lot, school or wonderin around. Once I got to a gas station I found him over by the blades. I walked in and ran up to him.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi, by the way that guy's on our back at the counter there. He's been watching me like a hawk" He said

"Okay thanks. So you ready to leave tomorrow?"

"Kinda happy, but the same time sad"

"Why happy?"

"Because I won't have to see my abusive parents. But sad because I won't see you or Lilly in 4 years."

"Yeah same here. What is Lilly gonna do when she gets out in a year in a half?"

"I don't know. I mean she could stay for 4 years like us."

"I trust her, I know she could get along fine out there in the big world"

Zaylee Curtis 2Where stories live. Discover now