We're Sorry

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I woke up from a big loud noise hurting my ears and making my head hurt. I saw a big light all around me and I sat up rubbing my eyes. I am still mad at them all. I can make up a lie, a good one too. I haven't lied in awhile. I'll pretend to not know them and all that stuff. It happened once, how hard could it be?

I looked around and saw doctors around me and nurses. Then I saw my brothers in the hall outside pacing back and forth. The nurse did some stuff and the doctors all left. The machine started to beep less and I wasn't as scared no more. Then she left and sent my brothers in. Time to go to work. I put a confused look on my face and looked away from them I laid down and pulled the covers over top of me.

"Hey Zay?" Pony said.

"Who are you?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"c'mon she don't remember us again" Soda said.

"Yeah" The other two said. I pulled the overs off me and got out of the bed. No way am I staying here. I headed to the door and they stopped me.

"Where you going?" Pony asked.

"I hate this place and you three are strangers" I said. I know who they are, but they have no clue that I'm faking, plus it's fun to mess with them.

"We're your brothers" Darry said.

"What ever you say" I said. I walked out and followed them. We all walked home, I know where home is. We got in the house and I went to the couch. Pony sat next to me, I moved over a bit.

"You okay?"  He asked.

"To me your a stranger and your awfully close to me" I said.

"I'm your brother"

"I'm a girl" I said. Then the front door opened and the whole gang came in. Johnny came up to me and hugged me. I pulled away a little and said "Get this stranger off me" I said. I probably hurt his feelings a little. But I'm mad, my brothers would never talk bout me behind my back.

"What she talkin bout?" Johnny asked.

"Lost her memory again" Soda said.

"Put me down" I said. He put me down and I went to the kitchen. I got some water and then went to go sit outside. I climbed up on the railing and sat there. I saw Jason and Lilly coming up to me. I got down and went up to them. I have to hide my memory from my brothers and they have to too.

"Hey, so I am playing a trick on my brothers and the gang. I'm pretending I lost my memory. So play along when they see us" I said.

"Okay" They both said.

"You okay Lilly?" I asked.

"Yeah, they didn't hurt you too bad did they?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm good. Little pain but that's it" I said. Then the whole gang came outside and I winked at Jason and Lilly. They got what I meant.

"Thought you didn't know them?" Dally said.

"They told me who they were, like Pony did" I said.

"You remember them?" Soda asked.

"No, but I'm sure I will soon" I said.

"Hey guys" Jason and Lilly said. The guys waved and said hi to them.

"I'm leaving with them" I said. We left before they had a chance to talk to us. We went to the park and we did graffiti all over the slides. It was cool. I drew my signature drawing; heart with wings and wrote "Stay strong and you won't get hurt". Once we finished Jason robbed a store with Lilly and I waited outside. I took some things that stole and put it in my pocket. I had 100$, cigs and a blade. Lilly has the same and Jason just has 300$. We ran out of the place and ran to the soc side of town.

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