December 17, 2009

197 8 0

Dear Shell Of The Girl I Used To Love,

Christmas is in 8 days. Weird, right? The second Christmas without each other.

I remember, you always loved Christmas, it was your faviorte holiday. You didn't favor it for its presents and food, though, like all the other people around the globe.

You told me you lived it because of the festive gatherings, spending quality time with family and friends. The christmas lights and mistletoe. Decorating trees and playing in snow.

You were always full if spirit. Where did it go? Is Christmas still your faviorte holiday? Or did the twinkling lights if Christmas fade alongside that twinkle in your beautiful violet eyes?

Sincerely, The Shell Of The Guy You Used To Know


This one was super depressing, guys, it actually gave me a link in my throat and I wrote it myself. Not cool.

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