March 2, 2010

89 5 2

Dear Somebody I Used To Love,

I'm so confused. Totally and utterly confused and exhausted when it comes to this.

Why? Seriously! Just, why?! Why are you so distant?

You do understand your becoming the man that broke my heart more times than I've had broken bones once again, right?

I really don't like this, Alex.

Why are you back to one word texts and conversations. You barely sit with me or around me anymore. Instead, your around Jen.

Did I happen to do something wrong? Is it me who's pulling away? If that's the case, I'm sorry! I'll try harder!

Why can't you see it? I'm dying here! It agonizing!

You won't even meet my eyes!


Why are we so easy at breaking apart?

Love, Somebody You Used To Love


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