Dear Shell Of The Girl I Used To Love,
You smile.
Not at me, but at him.
Yesterday, you walked down the hall, hand in hand and you actually glanced at me for once and guess what you did?
You waved! Waved, Snowflake!
That's the most attention anyone has gotten from you in the last year and three quarters!
Your getting warmer with the weather. I guess he really does make you happy, then, Noey.
I wish I was him. He's a lucky guy.
I don't know what else to say about this.... Oh!
We broke up! Jen and I. Split in two and are now going our separate ways.
Funny thing is, Snowflake, I'm not depressed over the break up.
I'm depressed over your new found relationship with Heath.
Love (no longer sincerely), Alexander Watson, your childhood sweetheart
So, what do you think about Alex? Now that he's finally coming to his senses and finally telling us more about their relationship together?
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Yours ✅
Romance*Previously know as Dear Somebody I Used To Love* Un-mailed letters from two broken teenage lovers...