The Signs Flirting

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Aries flirts by bringing you on adventures or talking about going somewhere with you, being really gentle/conscious of their actions around you, and including you/bringing you into their friend group.

Taurus flirts by being really cuddly and affectionate, showing you they really care about you, being there for you when you need them, and being less stubborn/more flexible about things around you.

Gemini flirts by complimenting you, always wanting to be around you, being nicer to you than usual/than they are to other people, asking you questions, and being witty.

Cancer flirts by being kind and caring, being honest with you, showing you their creative side, and joking with you sarcastically.

Leo flirts by showing off, trying to impress you, telling you stories, and dropping not so subtle hints.

Virgo flirts by being really subtle, dropping whatever they are doing to help you, and sharing their interests with you.

Libra flirts by being witty, complimenting you, always agreeing with you/taking your side, and wanting to make you happy/always making sure you are happy.

Scorpio flirts by staring at you (the difference between a Scorpio staring at you just because and staring at you because they like you is if they stare at you and you look at them and they turn away quickly or try to make it look like they weren't staring at you at all, then they like you), will be very sarcastic, affectionate/physical, and will listen intently to what you have to say.

Sagittarius flirts by getting really excited when you're around, noticing small things you do, and laughing at your jokes even when they aren't funny.

Capricorn flirts by showing you they trust you, by being protective over you (they can get really jealous), sending you random yet thoughtful texts, and opening up to you about themselves.

Aquarius flirts by talking about opinions and asking about yours, telling you witty jokes and cheesy pick up lines, being honest with you, and being really interested in what you have to say/what you think.

Pisces flirts by asking about you and wanting to know everything about you, asking you "what if" questions, showing you their sensitive side, and letting you see their life and their world.

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