THE TRUTH about the signs

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— Aries:

is a sassy bitch, let's just accept that. always answering back, they'd even answer back to any god (may it be diplomatically or sarcastic)

always give people cheap gifts not because they're broke but because they think that's the only standard or gift you deserve

has a huge disgust with humanity so they either get delusions of controlling the world or they avoid/limit their human interactions

their logic is out of this world: it's either you get mesmerised and see a new horizon or you end up getting crazy because you can't get it

beneath all their layers, they're one of the smartest and hardworking people out there... always willing to help you study/work/etc.


their trigger word is literally food and all its proper nouns. they'd sell their souls for a ceaseless supply of food and they'd won't regret

literally possessive as fuck, aphrodite lives in their titties cos they dun calm down if they see someone circling around their man/woman.

obsessed with getting shit organised y'all don't even know. they will never move unless a very detailed blue print is in front of them.

they will keep hustlin more than a twenty of you combined. they know and prioritise how precious time and money are.

when they say they can't do an errand/plea, dun quickly believe them at all cost or you'll get a small surprise: they'll do it after some while.


know that archetype of a kind person who'll obey & follow you to the death but has so many fucking personal motives? yep, that's gemini.

their knowledge and expertise are vastly scary; multilingual people and historians. they aint called GEMinis for nothing, hunty.

for them, it's a dog-eat-dog world. if you don't match their pace, you're basically out of their surviving list, whatever list that is.

insanely in love and proud making other people swoon over them (oh the oozing warmth of being loved and respected) but says otherwise

bad at remembering dates but that dun mean they love you less or you're not that important to them, just believe in them.


they dun talk much but best believe me, whenever they speak it's either they gon hand you your ass or roast the living shit out of you

are all terminally sarcastic bless their souls. they don't have time for your bullshit, they don't even have time for their own.

they will never side or they will avoid picking a side. they're the best people to rant cos they will literally get where you coming from.

one of the sweetest and loving signs out there but for some reason, they tend to have some problems making real long time friends.

always look brooding or even out of reach. that's cos they're afraid words/actions won't come/show they way they really want them too.


so demure but once you get close to them/they know they have the upper control, they will fucking nag & bully everything

but after the searing primadonna stage, these lions are all just smol precious clumsy beans who must be protected at all cost

knows the traditional ways or romancing someone, like the flowers and cupcakes and shy yet formal asking you out for events/dates

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