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I love all of my readers, I fuckin' swear! I love every single last one of y'all.


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I'd just given birth to my son, who happened to be six pounds and three ounces.

I felt nothing but relief.

Considering the fact that the two of us were knocking on death's doorstep, Khalil truly is my miracle baby.

I decided to name him Khalil because it's so similar to my name.

I prayed for my son as I faded in and out of consciousness, along with the time I spent in the hospital when I woke up from my coma.

Nurses in the room swarmed around my baby.

I didn't hear him cry not once so I started to worry.

"Zoo, where is he?" I panted. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "He hasn't cried yet."

Zoovier wasn't answering me. He was too busy looking over at the nurses to try and see what was going on.

He looked down at me with worry written on his face but he still tried to assure me that everything was going to be okay.

He didn't want me worrying.

Zoovier wiped my sweaty forehead with a face towel.

It was so hard for me to keep my cool. "Zoo, I just want him to be oka–"

Just as I spoke, Khalil's little cries were filled throughout the room. He cried loudly.

"He's got some lungs on him, eh?" A nurse laughed as she walked over to me with the baby swaddled in a blanket.

I sighed in relief and let her place him on my chest. "Well hello there, mommy's miracle." I cooed to him.

I gave him my index finger and he instantly wrapped his tiny fingers around it.

"Can you get Zo' and Bri out from the waiting room? They're able to come back in here now." I instructed to Zoovier.

He nodded his head and went out to get the two.

A couple of minutes later, I heard Zoelle's voice.

I know she was working on Brianna's nerves the whole time they were sitting out there.

"Mommy!" Zoelle screamed as soon as Zoo opened the door. "I missed you!"

"Shh, you gotta be quiet Zovie." Zoovier quietly warned her. He picked her up and sat her on the bed next to me so that she could see her little brother.

"He's sooooo cute, mommy!" She dragged out before giggling. She placed her head on my shoulder. "Can we go home now?"

I quietly laughed to myself, shaking my head. "No, me and your little brother have to stay at the hospital. Daddy's gonna stay with us while you go with Auntie Bri."

"Okay." She easily agreed. "What's his name?" She stared at him in amazement.

She was already attached to her little brother.


-A week later

I'd been home for a while now with Khalil.

Zoovier had some business that he needed to handle for a show he booked out in California so it was just me, Zoelle, and Khalil at home by ourselves.

I was a bit on edge about being at home without Zoo with us.

Him being at home with us just gave me a better sense of security.

I had Khalil's baby blanket laid out on the bed so that he could lay in the bed with me and Zoelle.

I saw him stirring up in his sleep which gave me the indication that he was getting ready to wake up. He started to cry.

"Zo' you want to help mommy with the baby?" I asked her.

Zoelle eagerly nodded her head 'yes' at me.

I knew she would want to take up the responsibility of being a big sister.

"Okay," I picked Khalil up and placed him against my chest. "Could you get a diaper and the wipes so I can change your brother's diaper?"

"Okay, mommy!" She happily agreed before running down the hall into the nursery.

A couple of minutes after that, I could hear the small pitter patter of Zo's feet and she appeared in the bedroom's doorway.

"I got it!" She waved the stuff around. "Don't cry little brother!" She sat the things on the bed next to me and climbed up onto the bed as well.

She was almost too cute for me.

"What Zo' up here yellin' for?" Zoovier asked as he walked into the room, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi, daddy." Zoelle waved at him. "I'm helping with my baby brother." She flashed a cute smile at him.

He roughed her hair up, laughing. "It's good we got you around, huh?"

"It's great." I giggled. "She's such a big help, babe." I handed Khalil off to Zoo without him having to ask.


Excuse any spelling and grammatical errors;  I did not have the chance to read over this chapter for mistakes.

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