Chapter 14: Flight of Fancy

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Lexa's perspective

We'd been riding together away from the camp of the Sky people for some time now and I was getting restless. The plan that Octavia & I had concocted in order to free Clarke had largely gone off without a hitch.

I was getting restless because of how close I was to Clarke and yet still unable to do anything. She'd cut our kiss short insisting we depart quickly which made sense but I still felt a bit put off. It had been weeks since we'd seen one another and I wanted, no I needed more than just a quick kiss.

I had my hands wrapped around her waist as we rode on horseback towards Ton DC but it was as if they had a mind of their own. Every so often they'd roam down to her thighs and even high enough up so that they almost came into contact with her breasts. I just couldn't take it anymore which is why I came up with a 'planned' stop for us.

I called out in my own language a command for the horse to come to a stop and I quickly dismounted. I offered my hand to a confused Clarke and helped her down.

"Why are we stopping Lexa?" She asked me as she verbalised her body language.

I recognised the terrain and knew of a small stream nearby where the horse could get a drink and even graze for a little while.

"I figured we could give the horse a moment to rest and recharge and in the process you and I could spend some time...catching up."

A look of realisation crossed her face as she crossed her arms and widened her stance slightly,

"I see what's going on here. You could have just come out and said it you know," she was quite amused as she walked over and put her arms around me, drawing my face down to hers.

My own hands had slid down to her waist making sure she was close to me as I said,

"I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to hold you like this. I don't think I've ever been so distracted or been prone to shirking my duties than when I'm around you."

The horse was long forgotten as it huffed and ignored us, walking over to the stream nearby as Clarke and I resumed our kiss once more. This time however there was more urgency, more need in the way her lips met mine. I felt her tongue probing inside my mouth and I relished her desire and her boldness. We were moving backwards completely unaware of our surroundings when my foot hit an exposed tree root and I fell backwards, bringing her with me.

She landed on top of me as the breath rushed out of my lungs. I watched as her face transformed with concern now marking her features.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she stroked my cheek so gently, my eyes closing at her touch.

I reopened them and looked up at her face mere inches from mine. I was well aware of her body pressed against mine in all the right places.

"I'm more than fine with you on top of me," I replied, shocked at the words that had just tumbled out of my mouth.

I was surprised because I was never usually this expressive or quite frankly flirtatious. I was glad I did say what I did when I watched as her face lit up with a smile.

"Why Lexa, are you trying to get me to take my clothes off?" The playfulness evident in the way she spoke.

"That depends it working?" I said as I leaned in, my lips mere centimetres from hers.

I slipped my hands under her top, my fingers now lightly grazing her back. Her skin was like the softest fabric and it only encouraged my imagination further. I knew that my touch was affecting her as much as hers affected me, she lent down further and I felt as she placed soft kisses along my neck.

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