Chapter 15: I'll fight for you

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Lexa's perspective

I'd never been so scared for anybody in my life before that moment that the wall of bodies surrounded Clarke and Gustus as they were about to engage in a fight to the death. Perhaps it was because I hadn't had anyone that I was close to in a long time and this was just part of the package of feelings that were hitting me hard in the chest.

There was no way that Clarke would be in any condition to fight let alone walk, yet she'd managed up until this point. Her bravado was inspiring but it would not save her. I had to get in there and save her otherwise she'd surely die.

There was no way that Gustus would back down weakened opponent or not. He was intent on killing the girl I loved and continue his traitorous ways by seizing control of the clans. Chanting and yelling arose from the bodies circling the fight and I shoved my way through as fast as I could, receiving a shove or a kick here and there for my troubles.

As I pushed through the last line of bodies I was terrified to see that Clarke was unsteadily on her knees as Gustus prepared for a final death blow. Unsheathing my own sword I ran as fast as I could and swung my sword frantically.

The shrill sound of steel colliding rang through the air as his blade met mine mere inches from Clarke's neck. The jarring force of the impact radiated up my arm but the pain helped keep me clear headed. I wrenched his blade to the side and kicked him back as I positioned myself in front of Clarke.

"Stand aside Lexa and you do not have to die either," he said to me calmly as he appraised my fighting stance.

I pointed my sword valiantly at him,

"I will not be the one who dies here today traitor. I shall leave your head on a pike along with those who helped you for your actions not just against me but my people as well."

From this moment on he became the enemy. He was not one of my people anymore. He betrayed them just as much as he betrayed me. Once I was done with him, I'd weed out the rest of the insubordinates and they'd pay for their crimes too. The sound of Clarke's body slumping to the ground distracted me as I quickly averted my eyes to her and it allowed him to get a hit on me.

The right side of my face stinging after the punch I'd just received. He did feel the need to gloat,

"Even now as she lay dying there, she still makes you weak," he pointed to his chest and then gestured to everyone watching, "I'll make us strong again."

My gaze was nothing short of frosty as I looked him in the eye now,

"It'll be hard for you to do anything when you meet the grave in a moment's time."

I moved forward then and swung at him forcing him to block my blow as we stepped into the fight at full force now. It was like a dance the way we whirled around the field, the grace of our movements evident as if they'd been choreographed. We'd sparred many times in practice over the years but I doubt either of us would have thought that one day we'd be taking up arms against one another.

Then again, I was sure for a long time that I wouldn't love another and having seen the depth of my feelings and just how much I cared for Clarke, it wasn't something I was going to give up without a fight.

It was in that moment that I knew Gustus was wrong. Falling in love with Clarke hadn't made me weak. It might look that way to someone so devoid of genuine feeling but having experienced it now I knew what he thought and what I used to think wasn't true anymore.

It gave me a reason to keep fighting. It gave me a reason to rebuild Ton DC and make it a wondrous place for all. It made me begin to think about the future and see that everything was possible. It also gave me reason to think about doing things with Clarke that I might have considered beyond me.

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