Chapter 23: May we meet again

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Clarke's perspective

I'm not sure exactly how much time had passed but as strange as it is to say it given the circumstances, I was bored. I was bored, tired and frankly pissed off. Did that mean that I wasn't afraid of what they'd do to me if I wasn't careful? No way.

Of course I was afraid of what they could do to me and even what they might have planned for me. Seeing as I had very little that I could do, my mind continually worked through any number of grisly scenarios and outcomes with how this all might end.

I'd earned a few bruises for my troubles and had spat blood out of my mouth more than once for trying to engage my captors in some sort of conversation. The silence or at least my own silence was driving me insane.

As for escape? Well don't think I hadn't thought about that either, but between my lack of any kind of arsenal or weaponry and the number of guns pointed at me at any given time, one wrong intake of breath it seemed and they wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

So that left me with the painstaking option of waiting for Lexa to come and get me. She was capable of finding me and pulling me out of this predicament but I was angry at myself for being caught. Plus, I was angry at the fact that I always seemed to be such a damsel in distress and Lexa needed to keep saving my ass all the time.

I know that she probably doesn't mind coming to my rescue all the time, but I know that strength & weakness are big things amongst her people and seeing as I wasn't exactly their favourite person already I hated that I was seemingly undermining her position.

Also it kinda hurt my own pride and ego just a little that I hadn't been able to look after myself more capably.

The day had passed much in the same fashion as those before it, with the rest of what remained of the Mountain Men looking after themselves. Patrols changed, banter was exchanged, glares were sent my way, and well you get the picture.

The day had progressed into the afternoon when things started to get really interesting. Ever since first coming to live with Lexa, I'd gradually become more attuned to the forest, the sights, the sounds, the smells; those sorts of things.

It was in this moment that any noise which had been coming from the forest surrounding this camp had dropped off. The usual calls of animals, rustling of bushes all muted and that was my clue that Lexa might not be far.

A small smile crept onto my face; surely she had a plan maybe to surround and ambush them, or at least to pick them off whilst remaining hidden. Not that I'd ever doubted her ability and willingness to come get me but hope blossomed once more in full force in my chest, plucking at my heartstrings.

I envisioned her bursting through the trees, clad in her armour, warpaint freshly smeared on her face and weapon at the ready. She'd be flanked by any number of her people who would order the surrender and return of the prisoner.

My bindings would then be cut and I'd throw myself into her arms. We'd share a look, no words needed to verbalise how joyous we are at being reunited again and after a brief kiss, we'd walk hand in hand away from the inevitable slaughter that would ensue, off into the sunset of our long future together.

I was right about the way that she stormed through the nearby bushes, the guards watching that side of the camp, quickly falling to the ground now dead. I was quickly dragged to my feet and could feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed against my temple.

"Unhand her now and I may make your death a quick one!" Lexa commanded of the soldier who was manhandling me.

I was about to say something to Lexa when I first noticed who was standing next to her, gun in hand,

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