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"Our move?" I said. "What the fuck?"

"Did they do a move?" Leena asked.

"Was that transorming bitch a move?" Maddie looked at me.

"Did she make a move? On you?!" Jack gasped, looking at me.

"What kind of move?" Oliver pressed more.

"Can we stop saying the word 'move'"? Rob yelled.

"Hey! I didn't get to say it yet!" Roy protested.

I rolled my eyes. But the situation was very messy.

"I think Maddie's right." I thought out loud. "They didn't send that Emily for nothing."

"Oh, so you remembered her name."

"Oh my God, Emi- Maddie!" I stuttered. I gave her a small wink.

"They want you to get stronger?" Rob asked. "What the hell are they trying to do?"

Everything was quiet. Apperently, nobody had an answer.

"I think we better do a move." Roy muttered. "Ha! I said it!"

"I think that's a shitty plan." Rob rolled his eyes. "I think we stick to what we're doing."

"Which is... nothing" Jack murmured.

"Jack, that's what they want us to do! If we make a move, they might get the upper hand and actually take us down. They must have been planning this for ever."

"Or since you guys got me out of the hospital." I said. They all looked at me. "Come on, think about it. Maddie said that 'Hakem' have been pressuring you now. I mean, two attacks and two intruders in the last two weeks. What is that all about?"

We got quiet again. Then Rob spoke up again.

"I say we keep doing what we're doing, train Luke, and just see what happens."

"Let me guess. A massive attack from 'Hakem' and they kill us." Jack said as he was leaving. Oliver followed him, before looking at us apologetically.

"Jack's mad." I told Maddie the next day as we were training. My energy balls had been getting better. My aiming not so much, and let's not get started with my summoning.

"No shit, Sherlock." She exhaled. "I think he's afraid."

"Afraid of what?! At least he can summon his freaking spirit."

"Don't disrespect your spirit Luke. Your the one who's not getting it right."

"Thank you for your help babe." I mocked.

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

I didn't. But I hated being the reason I'm screwing up.

"How do you do it? Like, the first time you brought your spirit here, you were in massive danger. Now you can summon it on cue. Everybody can."

"You need to search for it. I despretly needed help when these guys were raping me and she was there,"she said it pointing at her heart, "waiting for me to unleash her. So you do the same. And please, not like last time."

I laughed. "Sorry about that."

I kept throwing my weak energy balls on the targets Maddie drew on some trees and hit some of them.

Something about what Emily said kept circling my mind. "I thought if you get emotional you will show some improvement." Emily was right. I got sure of it yesterday. I was on the verge of getting my spirit out in the human world, but that paper distracted me.

"Can I tell you something? Promise you won't get mad."

"I think your right, Luke."

"Ho- Mind reading. Yep, keep forgetting it."

"So, do you really have to get emotional to get your spirit out? Excuse me, but that's a little but girly." She laughed. Yep, that's my girlfriend.

"I mean I think so. I spent two years of my life in a mental hospital, thinking that the true death of my mother was something I made up in mind, knowing that my father hated me. I got rid of all the emotions I had inside me. Getting them back all of a sudden must do something."

I thought about giving it a try. Getting emotional. I thought about the images I was seeing yesterday. Nothing happened.

"You know," Maddie was suddenly close to me, "getting emotional doesn't always have to be mad, or sad."

Her tone gave her away.

We started kissing, at first slowly, then I grabbed her, and it got more intense, until I felt the heat from her body taking me on another whole level. Then I realized it was my own body emanating that heat. I felt it everywhere.

I knew how to get it out of my body.

I did.

Maddie opened her eyes and gasped.

I turned around to find a 10 feet tall fox looking at me, the same one from the forest, tall and strong, energy flowing out of his body.

I reached out my hand. He lowered head, and I felt it. It was nothing like I ever imagined. The tingling sensation between my fingers was overwhelming.

The only thing that was bothering me was the wind. It was too much. I knew where it was coming from. Where it faded. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard. The wind stopped.

I turned back at my spirit. Tears were streaming down my face, and a wide smile tracing my mouth.

"Welcome." I whispered to him.

He flicked his tail and nodded, and I could swear he replied and said: "Thank you" although he didn't open his mouth.

He glowed a brilliant blue, and I felt that heat from earlier in my heart, and then spread along my body.

That was the last sensation I felt before my knees buckled and I hit the ground, hearing Maddie yelling my name.

Back at the forest, I was surrounded by spirits. They seemed like they were ready to fight each other.
"No! Stop!" I tried to scream, but my voice wasn't working.
My fox was by my side, completely recovered, and spoke in my mind: "Get ready!"

"Oh crap!" I groaned, and not because of the throbbing pain in my head, but because I was tired of riddles.

"Sleeping beauty is awake!" Someone said to my right.

When I opened my eyes, I found Maddie by my side.

"Apparently, you don't love me back, because for the last two days I kissed you, like 27 times and you didn't wake up."

I wanted to get up and kiss her, but I couldn't feel my body.

"You weren't kidding when you said it would wear me down." I croaked

She laughed, but her expression hardened when the others came in sight.

"I don't know if we should be happy you survived or not." Jack started.

"Jack!" The whole group protested.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

Everybody was silent.

"Maddie?" I was getting worried.

She looked as if she was dreading this moment.

"Umm, when you unleashed your fox, you also unleashed your own individual power."

I stared at her intently.


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