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Hey guyssss!!! so this will be my first fanfiction!! if you don't like dirty fanfiction I don't recommend reading this😂 anyways hope you enjoy!

Jess' POV
"Jess! will you come down here for a sec?" my mom screamed from downstairs. I walked downstairs wondering what she was going to say. "Yes mom?" I said. "We are moving to Arizona!!" "Whyyyy!?!" "My job just made a new warehouse out there and they want me to work there! Go pack your things and get ready. We are leaving tomorrow early in the morning!" I walked upstairs with a few boxes. I texted my best friend Tara. (Tara= ride or die💘🔫 and Jess= bff💗)
bff💗: omg Tara guess what!!
ride or die💘🔫: omg what??
bff💗: I am moving to Arizona tomorrow!!
ride or die💘🔫: omg that's good and bad. good because your famous crush Hunter lives there and bad because your moving away from meeee😓
bff💗: I know ill miss you but you can come visit anytime you want! okay I got to go pack bye!

then I started packing. my mom said that when we got there I could get new posters and things to hang on my wall and to decorate. so I started packing my clothes, bathroom things, school stuff, and basically all my stuff except my bed. by 11 pm I was finished and went to bed.
<next day>
"wake up Jess its time to go!" my mom said as she shook me awake. I got up, put on my Hunter shirt, a pair of jean shorts, my converse, and straightened my hair and put it in a messy bun. then we started to put our boxes in the moving truck and then we drove to the airport. we boarded our flight. luckily I had saved ALL of Hunters musical.lys to watch on the plane ride, but I ended up falling asleep.
<skip plane ride>
"Jess wake up! we are here!!" my mom and I got off the plane and we got on a taxi. we were driving into our driveway and next door I saw three boys playing basketball. "I wonder who they are." I asked. my mom said I could go over there and find out after I helped her get the boxes.
<skip getting the boxes>
I went over there. as I started walking over there I realized one of them was Ashton , Hunters youngest brother. "I bet he's just there playing" I thought. but then I saw Brandon, Hunters other brother. and then finally I saw Hunter. I almost died inside that I was living next door to them. I kept walking over there. I said "hey guys! I'm your new neighbor!" "hey beautiful, dang your gorgeous." Hunter said. am I really talking to THE Hunter Rowland right now? "yeah you really are! what's your name?" Brandon asked. "Jess, it's- it's nice to meet you. I'm a fan." "that's soooo cool! I can show you around a little if you want." Hunter said. "alright yeah! let me go tell my mom. what's your guys' numbers?" "well I don't have a phone." Ashton said (just pretend) Hunter put his number in my phone and as the contact name he put "big daddy😍❤️" Brandon put "Brando😍💙" then I went and asked my mom. my mom said I could so when I walked back outside Hunter had a rose. "I got this for you since your SO gorgeous." "well thank you." I said as I kissed his cheek. then we started walking. "so, how do you get so gorgeous like you?" he asked. "how do you get so handsome like you." and with that we crashed into a make out session. "I-I'm sorry." Hunter said. "What do ya have to be sorry about?" "I mean, I just met you and I'm just so attracted to you that I did that." he said. "there's nothing wrong with that, I'm attracted to you to." then he took me home. "text me later❤️." Hunter said
is it bad I think I'm in love with Hunter?

wellll! that was the first chapter! sorry it was long but a lot happened towards the end! my chapters will get better I promise. -Jenna💞

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