Chapter 4

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I woke up with an insane amount of energy in my system. 

"Jesus! God! Your feet are cold, get away from me!" Tristan started to push me out of the bed, "Don't worry, I'm already going." I assured him. 

I quickly hopped in the shower and got dressed, when I walked back into the main room I saw that Tris still hadn't budged. 

"Get up! I'm gonna do the rounds, meet me downstairs in half an hour." I said as I pulled the duvet off of his body which earned me a series of muttered curse words. 

The locks on the doors in this B&B didn't require keys, we each got a four-digit code for our rooms and we had written down each other's codes just in case as well. I stood in front of Mike and Nathan's room, typing in the code that was written down on the piece of paper that I was holding. 

A moment later I was stood in their room and I wasn't surprised to find them in bed, still fast asleep. 

I sighed and quietly walked over to Mike's side of the bed, "Wake up Bennett! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" I shook Mike, but the only response I got was a frustrated groan. 

Plan B it was. 

I climbed onto the bed and over Mike until I was in the middle; I stood up and started jumping up and down. "Ugh! June for the love of God, get off!" Nathan groaned.  

Nathan was easier to get out of bed; I had to shake him a bit and he was up in seconds. Mike on the other hand was a challenge. I climbed onto Mike, "Get off." he mumbled. 

In return I just took hold of his duvet and pulled it off, but he just grabbed Nathan's and hid under it. 

I headed towards the door to instruct Nathan to take over my job.

"I'm naked!" Nathan shouted when I knocked on the bathroom door, "Yeah, whatever." I answered, "Just make sure you're down in twenty minutes, preferably with the lazy ass that's hogging the bed." 

The next room I entered was Jasmine's and Rich's, "Everyone decent?" I asked as I walked inside with a hand covering my eyes. 

Nobody replied, but suddenly something soft hit me straight in the chest. I opened my eyes and saw a very annoyed Jasmine sitting up in bed and I burst out laughing. 

"What?" I heard Rich mumble. 

 "You have fifteen minutes." I told them.


Light was pouring into the room, but I was still half asleep. I only woke up when June came barging in and shook Alice awake. 

"You guys have around ten minutes to get downstairs for breakfast." she said and then she walked back into the hallway. 

Around one minute later I was sat up in bed, "Come on Alice." I said, "Get up." Alice moaned and rolled over, still not getting up. 

I got out of bed and walked over to the curtains to open them, letting more light in that would hopefully make Alice get up. 

Five minutes later I was ready and Alice was in the bathroom, brushing her hair. "That'll have to do, come on." I told her, walking out of the room. 

"Morning girls." Nathan said with a smirk on his face as we closed the door behind us, "Why are you so happy?" Alice questioned, "It's too early." 

"I just had a marvelous shower."

"Weirdo." she whispered to me. I snorted and Nathan raised an eyebrow. 

The three of us walked down the stairs to the breakfast area where we found June, Tristan, Jasmine and Rich. "Morning guys." June chimed. 

She looked at us with a confused, "Nathan, where's Mike?" she asked. Nay look apologetic, "I tried, I really did." June ran up the stairs as we went to get ourselves some breakfast. 

We sat in silence and ate our cereal, crumpets or fruit. 

I was sipping some tea as Alice pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper, "As I've only just met most of you I am technically spending time with someone 'new', right?" she asked, making air quotations, "So that means I can cross it off?"

"Technically, yes." Rich answered. Alice pulled out a pen out of her bag and drew a line on the piece of paper. 

Suddenly I heard Mike cackling, he and June were making their way down the stairs. June jumped on Mike's back, urging him on towards us like a horse, "Your girlfriend's weird." I said, turning to Tristan. 

"Yeah, I know." he told me with a smile on his face, "But she's my kinda weird." 

I turned to look at June and Mike again and started to smile as well. 

"Update time." June announced as she finally sat down with her coffee and crumpets after having quickly kissed Tris, "We have a very important destination today, I booked something and we have to make it there today. We can not miss it. The town we're in now is perfect for us to pick up some supplies before we hit the road, so after breakfast we'll pack and drive into town, spend some time there and then we'll have to drive for a few hours depending on traffic. Any volunteers to switch with me and do some driving?" 

Rich and Tristan both volunteered which made June very happy. 

Most of us had already finished our breakfast early, so we left Mike and June to finish theirs when we went back upstairs to pack. 

"Meet you at Bananarama." I said, "Haha okay." June replied as I got up and left as well. 

Alice and I hadn't unpacked much last night so we were done in under fifteen minutes. 

"You okay?" Alice asked, "You were very quiet during breakfast." 

"Yeah,fine." I said, "I'm just not awake yet." I gave her a smile which seemed to reassure her. 

Alice was really nice, but I felt like she worried too much. She was constantly checking if I was okay.

So what if I was quieter than the others? It was part of who I was.

Author's Note:

More stuff was supposed to happen in this chapter, but when I started writing it I had so much fun doing it that it just became very long. So I split this chapter in two.

Anyway! I hope you all enjoyed this and please let me know by voting or commenting.


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