The Beginning

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     "Aeryn!" I yell at my best friend over the phone.

     "Lily! See I can do it too," she says mockingly and I growl to myself.

     "Airy, I told you not to climb the tree in your front yard," I try to whine, but Air just laughs.

     "And I told you what I thought of that idea," I roll my eyes, as I attempt to read over the assigned pages in my Italian textbook, and talk to Airy. She always calls at the worst times.

     "Telling me to hush my face and to stop worrying isn't very convincing ya know," I tell her exasperated.

     "Well, you should know me better," she tells me in a hyper tone.

     "Did you have sugar or juice this time?" I ask her as I flip the page. She doesn't answer me so I immediately know. "You had juice, didn't you? I don't want you drunk again!" I sigh, and she bursts out laughing.

     "You are never going to let me live that down," she laughs and I hear her fall off her bed, "It was just one cup of expired juice that made me drunk, I checked and this isn't expired," she says defensively while giggling.

     "It was three months expired Air, and you may not be drunk, but you're hyper, and that still isn't good," I smile to myself remembering the night she got drunk off the expired juice and started to make out with a wall. We had been video-chatting with three other friends at the time. Aeryn and I met on a social network online and became best friends. She lives five hours away from me in Milford, Pennsylvania. I live in the town of Woodbridge, Virginia. She is currently saving money up to buy me a plane ticket to go see her.

     "Hey I have to go to Jui Jitsu I will text you later, okay?" her voice suddenly getting more excited.

     "Okay, go kick some butt for me," I smile, as she hangs up while yelling at her brother to get in the car. As I finish reading the selection, my cell phone vibrates on the nearby table. I look over and unlock the screen to see a text from my friend Envi. I sigh, get up from my chair at my desk in my bedroom, and head outside to sit on my trampoline. I open the text as I sit down on the trampoline and it says, 'Jason likes you, don't deny it.' I roll my eyes. Jason was another person I had met online and had a huge crush on. My friends have gotten it in their heads that for some reason he likes me.

     I turn my phone off as I lay down on my trampoline. I just lay on there for a couple of hours not really doing much. I recite a few Italian poems and doze off once or twice before my Mom comes out on the deck and tells me to get ready for Tae Kwon Do. I grumble to myself as I go inside to change into my uniform. Unlike Air, I do not like going to martial arts. Well, that is a lie. I like going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays but I do not like Tuesdays because that day I have sparring and I enjoy being able to breathe. After sparring, I always feel like I ran a marathon. As it so happens, it is a Tuesday, yay me. I can't wait till Thursday, that is the one day beside the weekend that I can relax.

     After I changed and grab my sparring equipment, I turn my phone on to see six new text messages. I look over them and see five from Envi and one from Air. I smile and immediately open Air's text. 'I kicked my ex's butt in Jujitsu! Text me when you get out of Tae Kwon Do.' I laugh and my Mom looks over at me like I lost my mind, but I ignore her. Air and I are mental twins. We know everything about each other and we can get into each other's heads and find out what the other was thinking. It was scary at times, but otherwise, I was grateful.

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