We are O.K.

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We still fight, and we still scream at each other.

I try to leave but I can't leave her.

It hurts to even think about it.

She believes I'd be better off without her.

But the silly girl would still miss me.

Life goes on, this is how things are now.

She has a crush on a boy I disapprove of, she has friends, and is being happy, or as happy as she can be.

I am dating an older girl, she makes me happy and takes care of my broken ass.

Life is hard and stressful, and I think I am stressing all my friends.

I just moved because my Mom got engaged, I no longer get to go to the school I worked so hard to get in to.

Trying to find the bright side in all this mess that has been dumped on me.

I am thankful for all my friends, they have helped me with everything.

If it weren't for them, I don't know where I'd be.

Trying to unpack, but that is just more stress and it might make me explode, at the very least implode.

I worry about Airy, and people hurting her.

I worry about Rachel and killing herself.

I worry about losing all my good friends, true friends I had.

But every time I move, I always lose some, if not all.

I hate starting over, I thought I was going to finally be able to transfer from one school to another like every other kid, but no.

Even going into high school, I move to another district.

At least it wasn't a state this time.

I suck at drawing, but I am getting back into it, I used to be semi-good at it.

The new principal of my middle school has yet to get back to me about my GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance).

Next March I will have my step-sisters wedding, my birthday, and then my Mom's wedding.

Next Summer, my Mom, and her fiance are hoping to move somewhere like Ireland, Argentina, or Ecuador.

My Grandma is a bit more accepting of me liking girls and enjoying the pagan lifestyle and religion, than my Mom, go figure.

I went snorkeling with my best friend and her family last weekend and fried my cell phone by dropping it in the lake.

Now I am using an old blackberry that likes to make random noises cause it can.

Sleep hasn't been my friend, but what ya gonna do?

Just feeling kind of sad and angry, while trying to see the bright side, not working, damn.

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