It has been a couple years...

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Let us see...where should I begin? The past four years have been eventful but not significant. Air and I aren't close as we had been all those years ago but we talk more often than we had four years ago. Air got out of a serious relationship recently and has sort of sworn off anything serious.

This year we are planning to finally meet each other in person for the first time. We have tried for the past couple of years but we are both working adults now and things are different. Air is saving to go to college, staying in her miserable house with her parents so she can save more money faster. I have been living on my own for a couple of months now but it has been a year since I have been in school or lived in my parents' house. I moved even farther away than I had been previously but I like where I live. My dog Ryder and my cat Houdini are my only friends for right now, but I have made some really good close friends that even though they live far away like Air, we talk every day so I don't feel too lonely.

I haven't seriously dated anyone since the incident with Air, to be honest. I am trying, I am on like five different online dating sites and I try to talk to people when I leave the house but so far no good. My parents are...worried, to say the least about my lack of relationships. I'll date eventually when the time is right or the person, maybe the stars will align or something. 

I feel like Air and I have gotten more cynical over the years. We don't normally talk on a regular basis, but for emotional emergencies or the occasional random snap every now and then about random things. We haven't called each other twin or sister in many years, but that is because we have grown into ourselves and I don't mourn that. She is still reckless and drives me crazy with worry sometimes. I look forward to shaking the hand of the person she decides makes her so crazy happy she can't stand to be away from them. I hope she finds the perfect love so she smiles and laughs more. The future holds so many uncertainties in our country right now, so baby steps but I believe in us. 

I guess that is all there is really to say in reflections of the past couple of years, but one more thing. 

                                                                     Yes, I still love her. 

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