warmth • miyazawa, kenji

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author's note•
personally, kenji is my favorite out of the agency. he's such a sweet little bean and he reminds me so much of finnian from black butler. they're practically twins.
i feel like this is a bit too out of character..
enough talking, enjoy the one-shot!

| warmth • kenji miyazawa |

you were new to the agency. you were completely confused of what to do. there's was only one person that even bothered to help you out. one that stopped their work just to help you out.

"thanks kenji!" you grin at him, as he instructs you how to start out your letter.
"anytime (y/n)! just remember to come to me when you need help." he smiles.

you were only comfortable with kenji. you two had just met and he already felt like a brother to you. you were shy to talk to the other agency members and you just felt like you could open up and be yourself with kenji.

"hey (y/n)... m-may we talk privately?" he looks down at his tan sandals, light pink dusted his cheeks.
"yeah, of course." you say getting up from your desk and following him outside.
"(y/n)- i really, really like you. would you like to go out on a date with me?" he says, fully flushed.
"kenji i-"
"you don't have to (y/n).. it's fine if you say no..."
"kenji, you didn't let me finish. of course i'll go on a date with you!"
he brightened up and pulled you into a tight, loving hug.

"ne, (y/n)-chan, i'm really hungry! how about you?" he says holding your hand in his.
"yeah i'm pretty hungry too."
"let's go eat!" he grins as he pulls you into a resteraunt.

"what would you like to order, (y/n)?" kenji smiles brightly, looking down at his menu.
"takoyaki sounds good.." you mumble.
"then takoyaki it is! i'm gonna have tempura soba.."
the waiter takes your orders.
you guys sit and talk until your food arrives.

kenji smiles brightly at you while you eat the takoyaki. you gasp.
"this is really good!" you say putting another ball in your mouth, savoring the taste. (no innuendo;])
"i told you (y/n)! after all, this is my favorite place to eat!" he says while you both finish your meal.

you watch kenji's chest rise up and down.
"kenji...?" you say trying to wake him up.
you didn't know that when he ate, he slept.
he stirs around, mumbling incoherent words. still not waking up.
you use all your strength to lift him on your back.
you start walking outside, swaying around from the heavy weight on your back.
after a few minutes of walking, your back ached and your arms hurt like hęll.
you set him down next to a nearby tree, sighing in relief.
you rub your arms, trying to warm yourself up.
you didn't realize how cold it was gonna be tonight.

"(y/n)?" you heard kenji mumble.
his eyes fluttered open.
"oh my god. i didn't realize how cold it was gonna be. i should've told you that i fall asleep when i eat earlier. i'm really sorry." he quickly gets up and bows.
"kenji, i'm fine. there's no need to apologize. let's go home. it's getting really cold." you shiver.
kenji takes you by the hand.
'his hand is really warm..' you think and blush.
before you know it, it starts raining.
"i didn't know it was gonna rain today! let's get home before it starts pouring."
you run with him, still holding hands.

you finally get to the agency
"thanks for everything, kenji." you smile as he wraps a towel around your shivering body.
"it's no problem (y/n)." he grins.
after a few minutes of talking, he gets sleepy.
"sleep. i'll stay with you." you smile at him while he gets under the covers.
after he fell fast asleep, or so you thought, you got up.
a hand stopped you.
"stay..." a sleepy kenji says in his sleep.
you smile and get under the covers with him.
his arm wraps around your waist, snuggling you closer to him.
your cheeks instantly grew warm.
"(y/n), be my girlfriend?"
"of course kenji."
he leaned over and kissed your cheek.
you smiled and finally fell asleep, his warm presence next to you.

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