detention • tachihara, michizou

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"michizou, (y/n)."

you gulped, taking a quick look at the fuming boy next to you.

"you both receive detention, after school for two hours."

you turned to look at the taller boy, his face only got angrier. you made eye contact with him then quickly looked away. you both walked out of the dean's office in silence.


"michizou, i'm-"

"what the fuck?! why did you snitch?"

"i did not snitch! i wasn't even involved in your prank!" you say sassily, crossing your arms, looking away from him.

"if you didn't snitch then who did? you were the only witness."

"it's the end of the year, michizou. of course, the administration is going to increase their surveillance. besides, you were trying making water bombs with condoms!"

"it would've been a good prank, (y/n).." he chuckles.

"oh come on, you always come up with dumb pranks. last year you messed with the senior girls, got dirty pictures of them, and hacked the school monitor and displayed them! i can't even see how you managed to get nudes from them in the first place."

"it's the looks princess," michizou looked down at you with a sly smirk, the pet name had made you blush. "that joke was really good though. they deserved it anyways. they're sluts, they'll do anything to get in bed with someone. it's not like no guy has seen them anyways."

"you have a point, michizou, but still. is it really worth getting school suspension over?"

"actually, it kinda-"

the bell then rang, interrupting michizou as you two watched students scatter to their classrooms.

"i guess i'll see you in detention, (y/n)." he walks away, hands in his jean pockets.

you hated him and he probably hated you too, but that was going to make detention more enjoyable for the both of you.


you take a sharp breath and push the door open. several pairs of eyes greeted you as you walked in to the room, handing your detention slip to sensei. who was in her desk grading papers. you hear whispers coming from the other students as you make your way to your seat.

"what is she doing here? she's a goody two-shoes."

"she doesn't belong in a place like this, i've never seen her get in trouble before. i wonder what happened."

your eyes scanned the room, eagerly looking for michizou. the only thing was, that he wasn't even there. the door opening and slamming close interrupted your thoughts. you turn to see michizou walking towards sensei with an open can of soda and his detention slip. sensei motioned him to throw the drink away. he frowned and chugged his soda, threw it in the trash, then smiled sarcastically at sensei. michizou sat in the seat next to you and started passing notes.

'wanna ditch?'

you looked at him with wide eyes and your mouth was agape.

'seriously? sensei will find out.'

'she's fast asleep, she won't find out. she usually sleeps past detention hours anyways. even if we do get caught, we just get extra detention. no biggie'

you turn your head to see sensei fast asleep at her desk, lightly snoring. you could've sworn she was awake just 2 minutes ago.

'no biggie for you, but what about the other students? they'll say something.'

'i'm tachihara michizou, i can take any of them down in a heartbeat. i doubt they'll rat us out.'

you look at him with shy eyes.

"if you say so. lead the way, michizou." his face lit up and he smiled at you. he grabbed your hand which made the two of you blush as he led you out of the room.


you both ended up in a cafe not far from the school. you both stood in line looking at the menu.

"what do you want to drink?" michizou asked you, eyes not leaving the menu.

"i don't want anything." you look down shyly at your shoes, rocking back and forth on your heels.

"very well, suit yourself then."

as michizou gets up to the cashier, he asks for his drink and also asks for your favorite drink.

"michizou! i told you not to get me anything. how did you even know that's my favorite drink? i could've at least paid for mine." you glare at him while he hands his card to the cashier.

"lucky guess? and don't worry about it. it's my treat, i brought you here." michizou rubs the back of his neck as his ears and cheeks turn bright red.

you both sit down and talk for what seems like hours. time flew by so fast and you both soon realized it was dark outside. then you thought, michizou wasn't so bad after all. sure he could be a douchebag sometimes, but you knew there was a warm heart under that cold demeanor.


michizou walks you back home, hands in his pockets. you both finally reach your front doorstep.

"michizou. thank you for tonight. i had fun." you took a step towards him and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging you. he tensed up at first, but he melted into your touch and hugged you back. you let go and turned around to go inside, but a voice interrupted you.

"y/n, i have something so important to tell you." you turned around to see michizou, looking down at his feet. "i am madly in love with you. ever since i met you. when i came in late to class on the first day, you were the first person i saw. and damn, i thought you were so beautiful. that's where it all started. you intrigued me, it sounds stalkerish but i would always look at you in the halls. i never talked to you, i was so afraid that you would never be into a guy like me."

your face turned beet red. you ran back up to him and stood on your tip toes and kissed him on the lips.

"you're in luck michizou, because i'm madly in love with you too."

author's note :

GOD i'm so so so sorry that there has been no updates. i'm just losing interest in writing (+ writer's block) and i much rather focus in school. ever since i've cut down on writing, my grades at school have gotten so much better!! i'd like to update at my own pace if that's okay with everyone<3
hope you guys understand !!

- april   : )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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