stay • ryunosuke, akutagawa

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author's note;
i'm terribly sorry for the lack of updates. i've been trying to focus more on school & i have lots of writer's block.
i feel like this is too short, sorry :~(
also requested by @princezenlover
if you'd like me to rewrite it, let me know! this goes for any request :-)
nothing other to say than that, enjoy the one-shot!

| stay • ryunosuke, akutagawa |

akutagawa had just come back from a mission. he fumbled with the keys to his home, ready to be greeted by his lovely roommate, (y/n). when he opened the door, all he can hear was a creak. no sound of (y/n), anywhere. akutagawa started panicking to himself. his hand trailed down to his hip, where his gun was. he finally made his way to the living room, then he saw your sleeping body on the couch. he sighed in relief. thank god you were okay.

then he starts staring at you intently, mesmerizing you. your blanket was wrapped around you, you nuzzling your head into the medium sized teddy-bear that akutagawa had gotten you for your birthday. akutagawa smiled at your sleeping body, you mumbled incoherent words. then, akutagawa got the nerve to kiss his lover.

well, not lover. not yet atleast. truth is that he was in love with you, madly. he tried to give you the hint, but it just didn't work too well.

akutagawa brought his lips to yours. he pulled away quicker than he expected to. he noticed your eyes starting to open. akutagawa started panicking once again.

"akutagawa?" you said groggily, rubbing one eye.
"(y/n), go back to sleep." akutagawa said as he carried you bridal style and walked to your room. then you were again, fast asleep.
he gently set you down on your bed. as soon as he was about to leave, a hand grabbed his wrist.

akutagawa just couldn't say no, so he laid down next to you. around thirty minutes passed and you were sleeping like a baby.
"i love you, (y/n). sweet dreams." akutagawa kissed your forehead and fell asleep right next to you.

you woke up, you rubbed your eyes and let out a soft grunt. you tried to get up, but you saw a leg trapping you from your escape. you let out a little squeak, then slapped your hand to your mouth. you eyes trailed up the person's and you see akutagawa's sleeping body. you jumped over his legs. you were gonna get something to eat, but a hand stopped you.

you heard akutagawa's morning voice, you turn around to see his steel grey eyes boring into yours.
"akutagawa, i'm going to make breakfast." you smiled softly at him.
"then i'm helping." he sprang up from his spot on the bed.
you had noticed that akutagawa had been more closer to you. not like, closer friends or anything. like he can't keep away from you, close.

his arms were wrapped around you securely as you sipped your drink, waiting for your toast.

"akutagawa, what's with you today?" you say, glaring at him.
"what do you mean?" akutagawa nuzzled his head in your neck, his hair tickling your soft spots.
"that tickles," you giggle. "but you're closer than normal. did something happen?"
"no, i just realized my love for you." akutagawa instantly regretted what he said. your cheeks turned into a soft pink.
"i'm sorry i didn't mean to say-" akutagawa was cut off by lips pressing against his.
"good news, i like you too." you mumble against his lips softly.
"stay with me?" akutagawa then smiled against your lips.
"of course."
"and i will always stay with you, lover."

you blushed at akutagawa's nickname for you.

"well we're lovers now, right?"
oh god, you had said it out loud. you mentally cussed at yourself.
"of course we are, lover." you laughed at the silly name.

"now, do me a favor, and stay with me?"
"no matter what."

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