What would you do, when your best friend has to leave, to make his dream come true?
10 years and he still isn't back. No texsts, no emails, no visits. Nothing.
Bu what happens when fate lets you meet him again?
Will Justin remember who Ashley is?
I imagined ashley as kendall jenner, but feel free to imagine ashley how you want :)
*Ashley's p.o.v.*
"I knew you wouldn't miss something like that" he says, smiling. "When does the concert start?" I ask him going to the couch. He follows and answers "At 7 pm, but Pattie said we should come at 6 pm. So we can catch up and walk around the arena."
"Okay, i'll be ready by 5:30pm, then we can drive to the arena" i say. "Alright darling, i'm going to sleep, it's been a long day, goodnight" he says and gives me a kiss. "Sleep well,dad and goodnight to you too" i say, then going upstairs to my room.
Since it's 11:38, i decide i should sleep too and change to my shorts and oversized tshirt. Slowly i dazed off.
-The next morning-
I slowly started to wake up, disturbed by the bright sun. Then i go to my bathroom and take a shower. After that i clean my teeth and brush my hair.
I still am very nervous because of Justin but i don't want to think about it too much.
Then i start to think what i should wear tonight. I don't wanna look overdressd , just some basics will do.
I lay out the clothings on my bed and take a photo, so i can ask giselle if that's appropriate.
Ashley: is that alright for tonight?
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She answers within 2 minutes.
Giselle: That will look bomb on you ;) Have fun tonight, but not too much. You wouldn't want your bestie to get jelous, right?
Ashley: lol giselle. I'll try and thank you:)
That's when i realized it's 2:40. I take out a book from my shelf and start reading .
After 1hour i decide i should get ready. I put some beyoncè music on and start putting my make up on. Then i start curling my hair into big loose curls and change in to my outfit. Ready.
Just then i hear my dad from downstairs, yelling "Ashley are you ready? I'm going to the car.". Wow i didn't even realize he's back at home. I take my phone and walk to the car.
I jump into the car and my dad starts driving off.
Actually, it's unusual to see my dad driving, because he has a driver, his name is James. We also have a cook, her name is Maria. Those two people are so nice I really love them. They are close to me, they are just like family for me. Since my dad is barely at home because of work, they are the ones who are always here with me. I appreciate everything they do for me. They both got 2 weeks off, because they also work hard and my dad thought it's the best for them to have some freetime. Which i agreed with.
My dad and i are silent. Just listening to some music.
Then i see the big arena. We're here. Omg, we're here. My dad parks near the arena and start to walk to the arena.
We see the security standing in front of the door. Me and my dad just walk to them. "Hello,my name is Adrian Miller and we were invited by Pattie Mallete, can we walk in or do we have to wait for her to come take us?"my dad asks politely.
He talks into his headset and asks if we are allowed to go in,then he is quite for a bit. "Sir, just walk in and have a nice day" he says and steps away to the side. "Thank you, and have a nice day too" my dad says and i just smile at him.
Wow this is crazy. The backstage is really something different. As i was taking everything in, i heard a woman from behind "Ah here you guys are" and i turn around to see Pattie smiling at us.
She walks to us, hugs my dad and says "Hello, it's really nice to see you both here, we may had no contact for a long time, but i didn't forget you." "Hey Pattie, nice to see you too. Thank you for inviting us."my dad says.
"Oh and getting old did you very good" he adds,joking. "Oh come on Adrian, didn't you change one bit?" She asks my dad, laughing and understanding my dads humor. "Nope, not one bit when it comes to that", they both start laughing.
Until Pattie looks at me and hugs me too, still having a smile on her face. "Aww Ashley, look at you! You've become a beautiful young woman." She says."Thank you,Mrs Mallete" i say shyly. "Oh just call me Pattie, Sweety"she says. I give her a very warm smile and say "Okay then"
"Come on, we have food prepared for you. I'm sure you guys are hungry" she says and leads us to a room. There are numerous different food. My dad and Pattie take some to their plates and i just take some water to drink.
We all sit and they start talking and eating. I just sat there and drunk my water. Realizing now that i'm no longer that nervous, just a bit.
I just listen to them for a bit. They talk about how fast the time flies. And i just think to myself...no those 10 years were long as hell.
After about ten minutes i realize that i have to go to the toilette. "Uhm sorry to interrupt you, but Pattie were is the toilette?" I ask her. "Oh just walk down the corridor, walk in the last room on the left side." She says, smiling and i just walk away.
I walked to the end of the corridor and walk in the last door at the right side.
I open the door and walk in. I hear people talking but thinkin they are just staff, i walk further.
"Who are you?"someone says. I look up and see maejor sitting on the couch.Now realizing i walked into the wrong room. Stupid me. "Uhm, A-Ashley" i stutter, knowing he is one of justins closest friends.
"What are you doing here?" I hear someone else and when i look to the left..i see him. None other than Justin Drew Bieber. The one who left me broken at a young age. The one who promised me to come back to me. My one and only best friend at that time. It's not easy to lose someone you love that's what learned troughout the years. First Justin, then mom. But it made me to who i am today.
"J-justin, it's me Ashley remember?" I ask not caring that i stuttered and looking at him hopefully.