What would you do, when your best friend has to leave, to make his dream come true?
10 years and he still isn't back. No texsts, no emails, no visits. Nothing.
Bu what happens when fate lets you meet him again?
Will Justin remember who Ashley is?
It's currently 4:23 and i'm on the way home. I wonder were justin is going to take me.
I arrived at home so I opened the front door and walked in. As soon as I was inside I was greeted by Maria "Hello sweetheart, do you want to eat something?".
"Thank you so much Maria, but no. I'll just grab some bananas. Then i have to change my clothes. Justin is going to take me somewhere" i tell her while walking to the kitchen and getting a banana.
"Justin? I tought you weren't really good with him and now you are going on a date?" She asked.
"Yeah, but it changed yesterday. We actually get along now and this is not a date" or is it? I'm not sure. "That's amazing" she says. "I guess so. I have to change now. He'll be here by 5." I say and start walking away.
I get in my room and directly walk to my bathroom. I take my phone out and put some music on and then grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.
I won't refresh my makup it looks okay the way it is. Not too much.
After that i walk to my closet.
I put some fresh clothes on and look at myself at the mirror. That's alright.
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Right then the doorbell rang. I grab my bag and walk downstairs. Maria already opened the door and i see Justin standing there.
I look at him and he is also dressed casual. An orange tshirt, ripped jeans and white shoes. Ok i'm not underdressed.
Justin then realizes that i'm walking down the stairs and looks at me, he then smiled.
"Heeey" I greeted him while smiling. "Hey, lets go" he says and grabs my hand, leading me to his car. Wow a blue ferrari. "Your car is amazing" i say with big eyes. "This is my favourite car, but my other cars are also nice" he says while looking at his car and smiling.
He opened the door for me. "Such a gentleman. Nice to see that side of you" i say while looking at him. "Always" he says and sticks his tounge out.
"Well not always, but lets see" i say and sit on the seat. He walks around the car also sits on his seat and starts the car.
"By the way, how did you know where i live? I never told you." I say looking at him with an questioning look.
"I'm Justin Bieber. I have my ways" he says and winks. "Okaaaay. Where are we going?" i ask. "We'll watch a movie. I hope that's okay." He says looking at me for a second and then back to the road.
"Yeah, of course. I love watching movies" i say. Then i see that he drove by the movie theatre. Uhh, i'm confused?
"I thought we were going to the movies?" i say, looking at him confused. "We are" Justin simply says while smiling.
"Are you kidnapping me?" i ask him jokingly. "Maybe. Maybe not." he whispers, trying to sound scary, but we both laugh.
After a while of driving we finally arrived at a parking spot and i didn't ask any questions anymore. I'm sure he wouldn't properly answer.
We get out the car and walk towards the building to a door. As we get closer to the building i see a big sign "Air Canada Centre- Private Parking". I turn to Justin and stare at him unbelievingly and he just smiles again. The security opens the door when he sees Justin.
Someone leads us to where the court is and I stop as we're there.
My mouth fell open and my eyes grew big, when I saw the view. I look at Justin still suprised. "I told you that we're watching a movie" he says and I look back at the big screen set up.
"You rented out this whole place just to watch a movie?" I ask him still wide eyed. "No big deal" He says and i shake my head in disbelief.
I look at all the empty seats and say "Wow you can see almost everything from here".
"That's the view i have everytime i perform" he says while smiling big.
"So... we have a big choice. Where do you want to sit?" I ask him smiling.
He laughs at me and takes my hand, leading me to the front, to a big comfy looking couch.
"Of course you organized a big couch just to watch a movie, no biggie" i say shaking my head while smiling.
He laughs and asks "Do you want to eat something?" while sitting down the couch. "Whatever you do" i say and sit down next to him with a little bit of space.
A guy walks towards us with an uniform on. He carried a big plate full of snacks. Obviously he's struggling, his look gives it away, but I don't blame him the plate is really big and full. He sat the plate onto the desk. I stand up and give him a 100 dollar bill he simoly said "Thank you". Justin looked at me like i was crazy. The guy walked away then.
"You didn't have to tip him. I already paid everything." Justin says. "First, he was struggling and second i don't care i wanted to be nice" i say while looking at him and grabbing a water.
"You're right" he says. "No, i'm mrs. always right" I say while making a funny face and he laughs.
Halfway through the movie Justin grabs a bag of sour patch kids. Then i decide to grab myself a bag of hot cheetos.
As i was looking at the big screen he stole some of my hot cheetos. "Heyy, they are mine Bieber. Grab yourself another bag" i say while trying to look angry, but failing miserably.
I steal some of his sour patch kids. "Heyy, they are mine Miller. Grab yourself another bag" he says mocking me and we burst out laughing.
"I like your laugh" he says suddenly. The movie isn't interesting anymore. I look at him for a second. Then i decide to mess with him.
I grab his sour patch kids and run away. He jumps up and runs after me. "Give me my babies back" he yells and i can't stop laughing.
I ran all the way back, but then suddenly Justin picked me up and spinned me around. I laughed more. While he did that the sour patch kids fell to the floor.
He slowly lets me down . Then realizes the mess on the floor. He pouts and it's the cutest thing I ever saw.
"Look, what you did to my babies" he says and I can't stop smiling. "It's your fault. You picked me up and also spinned me" i defend myself.
"Okay, maybe it is my fault then." He says smiling wide.
We walk back to the couch and sit criss crossed facing each other.
"Wanna play a game?" He asks. "Sure" i answer. "What about 'Never Have I Ever'?" He asks. "Bring it Bieber" i say while smiling.
Actually he is so fun to be around. I'm truly happy that we get along now.