What would you do, when your best friend has to leave, to make his dream come true?
10 years and he still isn't back. No texsts, no emails, no visits. Nothing.
Bu what happens when fate lets you meet him again?
Will Justin remember who Ashley is?
I woke up and took a shower. Then i blowdried my hair and made my everyday makeup which consists of concealer and mascara.
After that i changed my clothes.
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I then took out my phone from my pocket and started texting Giselle.
Ashley: Hey girl, can i come over today?
Giselle: Eww no please. Jk, sure :)
Ashley: i thought so ;)
I grab my bag and walk downstairs. I see Maria and say "Hello Maria, i'm going to Giselle." I give her a kiss on the cheek. "But you have to eat something" she says. " no i'm good, thank you. We may get some food later." I say and walk out.
I decide to walk since its not that far. I grab my headphones and listen to some music.
After some minutes i was already there. I texted her that i was here and in the same minute she opened the door. "Hiii" she said and hugged me and i said it back.
I walked in and she closed the door. "Nobody here?" I ask her while walking into the living room and sitting onto the couch. "Nope, we could throw a party and no one would ever find out. My parents are on vacation for about 2 weeks" she says jokingly.
"Yeyyy, more pizza-parties with your non-existing friends" i say while smiling.
"Oh shut up" she says, also smiling. "But we can really order pizza though" she adds. "Do you ever eat anything else than pizza?"i ask.
"Excuse me, you hurt pizzas feelings. But yes i do" she says.
"Sorrryyyyyy and wow that's hard to believe" i say while laughing a bit.
"So how was the dinner yesterday?" She asks.
"You won't believe me but we are actually okay now" i start off .
"How did that happen?"she asked me with an amazed look.
"I don't really know. At first he was so rude to me. He said that my mom was stupid and that my dad probably liked Pattie more than just a friend. I got angry and walked out. As you know it was raining a lot yesterday and Justin came after me. I told him that my mom died and he apologized and we talked a bit more then decided to go back inside and yeah that's it..."
"Wow, I didn't see that coming" she says with big eyes.
"Me neither...and girl you look so good today." i say looking her up and down.
"Oh come on, i always do" she says.
"Yeah, you do" i say, smiling and add "Lets take some selfies". I take out my phone and we take some picture. Then Giselle takes my phone and looks atthr photos we took.
Suddenly she starts laughing hysterically. I take my phone to see why she's laughing so much. It's a silly photo of Justin.
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So that's what he was doing with my phone yesterday. I look at the photo and start smiling. He's so weird.
"Why do you have a JB selfie on your phone? And he should really shave that little moustache" she says trying to get herself together.
"He took my phone away and i saw him later on and asked why he has my phone, but he didn't tell me. I guess now i know it" i say.
"This boy is weird, just like you Ashley. No wonder that you were good with him when you were younger" she says still smiling.
I feel my phone vibrate so i unlock it and see that a received a text messagw from Sexy King . Who the hell is this?
Sexy King: Wanna hang out?
Then i get another text message.
Sexy King: by the way if you didn't notice it's justin, but i mean you should've noticed i mean it's obvious that i'm the sexy king ;)
I start smiling wide. He is so cocky in a funny way, i kind of like it. Weirdo. I start typing.
Ashley: Sexy king? Really? Are you sure that you are not more likely the asshole? Hahaha, btw yeah when ?
Sexy King: i have feelings too :( and you broke my heart. I'm not sure if i want to hangout with you anymore :(
Ashley: You have a heart? I'm shocked. Jokeee. Okay then no hanging out ;)
Sexy King: hahaha i still have to make up for everything, sooo you have to hangout with me ;)
Ashley: if you say so :) when and were are we meeting ?
Sexy King: be ready at 5. I'll pick you up from home.
Ashley: okay, see ya :)
"Why are you smiling?" Giselle asked me curious. "Justin texted me, saying he wanted to hang out today and he saved himself as 'sexy king' when he had my phone yesterday." I say still smiling.
"I mean yeah he is sexyyy" Giselle says. "Maybe" i say.
"Maybe? Are you kidding me? He is the hottest, sexiest, cutest and the most handsome boy i've ever seen. Well i never saw him live but i'm sure he is way better than the photos." She says.
"Damn, you have a crush" i say looking at her as if she was crazy. "Everyone is crazy about him" she says.
"What should i wear for today?" I ask her changing the topic. "Uhm were are you two going? And can i come too?" She tries it again.
"I really don't know were we are going and no you can't maybe the next time" i say.
"Just wear casual. I don't think you will go somewhere to public since he is Justin Bieber" she says.
"You're right"
"Huh, not always, but sometimes" i say smiling.
I'm excited. I hope it goes well and he'll be nice to me.
~~ The story will get more interesting soon, this is just the beginning :)