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I'm unlocking the door to the apartment and letting Yoongi inside. He slips his shoes off and walks ahead of me.

"Yah! Wait please" I say, hoping he won't snoop and find things like letters from the institute or pill containers anywhere.

"Calm down I'm just sitting down on the couch" He calls through. I walk through to find him laid out on the couch with his eyes shut.

"Wait here, I'm gonna have a shower okay Yoongi?" I ask him.

"Mmmhmm" He hums as he turns over and curling up. I scoff at the sleeping boy as I walk through to the bathroom. I peel off my sweaty clothes and start the shower, turning it to hot and letting the steam fog up the small room. The next thing I know I'm sitting on the floor of the shower crying and hoping Yoongi doesn't hear me. I see the black eyeliner smeared on my hands and mixing with the water pouring down on me. The depression and the guilt eats me away, I'm a wreck and a walking ticking time bomb. I feel as though I'm never going to get better and I'm going to blow up at any second. I keep the shower running as I tumble out of it, reaching the mirror to remove my makeup, uncovering the bruise on my cheekbone. I search through the drawers trying to find the anti-depressants the doctor gave me. I finally find the bottle and open it up, taking two of the pills and downing them without water. I reach back into the shower and turn off the shower, bringing the steaming water to a halt. I hear some shuffling in the hall and get scared.

"Hoseok! Hurry up I'm hungry. If you don't watch out I'll eat all your food AND drink all your alcohol out here" I sigh quietly as I wrap the towel around my lower half, opening the door. To my surprise Yoongi is standing right in front of me, eyeing up my chest. I swear I see the little pabo lick his lips ever so subtly.

"Eyes up here minty" I snap at him. "I'll be out in a sec" I say to him once more.

I walk into my bedroom and pull on a pair of black sweatpants and a grey baggy t-shirt. I walk out of the room and find Yoongi back on the coach, his eyes on the bottles of alcohol I have sitting on the small bookcase.

"So what are you hungry for?" I ask him.

"Hmm. I really like ramen" He hums to me.

"Really healthy" I mock him from what he said the other day at the store.

"Yah! Ramen is delicious okay, I'll admit that!" He laughs as I start to boil the water. I pour the water into the ramen cups and bring them over with chopsticks to where Yoongi is sitting, still eyeing up the alcohol.

"Do you, like want some or something?" I ask him.

"God yes, it's been so long since I last drank" He whined.

"Jeez, well don't pass out or vomit on my floor okay?"  I tell him. I get up and bring over a bottle of vodka with a glass. I pour it a quarter of the way in and top the rest off with some cold orange juice. I pour myself one as well, putting everything down in front of us on the table.

Yoongi drinks the glass in one go and proceeds to pour himself another.

"Slow down" I laugh as he continues to drink the second glass down and pouring a third.

"Why don't you, hurry up" He says back.

For about an hour we sit there drinking until the whole bottle is gone and we're both drunk. Yoongi is trying to stand up but stumbling every movement.

"I gotta, go, heh, thanks h-hoseok" He slurs as he smiles, banging into the back of the couch. I reach and place my hand around his wrist.

"Y-you can't go home, just s-sleep here" I slur back to him. I lead him through to the bedroom and hop in one side of the bed. Yoongi just stands in the doorway staring with a smirk on his face.

"Well? You're better off sleeping on the other side rather than the couch. That old t-thing is shit" I laugh as I snuggle my head into my pillow. The bed bounces as Yoongi flops down on it, peeling his shirt and jeans off as he slips under the covers. The heat coming from his body warms my back.

"Goodnight Yoongi" I say to him.

"Goodnight Hobi"

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