Chapter 1

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Okay! first, off,  this isn't an "all the events happen but your there" thing. I guess I'll just go with "that stuff happens but you stay at the mansion" or something like "You are conveniently not in the right place when it happens".

A/N over!


Today I ran. I run away from all my problems. My parents kicked me out I ran, my boss just fired me I'm running, and nobody cared about it or me at all. All I had was the dirty, ragged brown dress on my back and my faded blue cap to cover my ears. My tail is hidden under my dress. If anyone saw it I would probably be run out of town with pitchforks and torches.

I found an alley to hide in as night fell. It began to rain and I thought nothing could make this day any worse. I transformed into my cat form and crawled into a box to sleep. My form has taken a bad change of weight as my human form has as well.

The sun's rays poked through the opening of my box. I was still asleep at that point but was woken up when a tall man with black hair picked me up. I was drowsy but I heard him say "Hello Little Kitty." He rubbed behind my ears, I purred. He gave me a small smile. This man had a kind aura. I rubbed my head into the palm of his hand.

"Sebastian! What are you doing?" a boy with an eyepatch and blue-almost-black hair yelled from the mouth of the alley.

"I am petting this beautiful creature." 'cool, it there mr.' I think.

"Well stop it and come attend me."

"Yes, my lord."

Sebastian put me down back in my box. I mewled sadly. "Sorry kitten." The tall man murmured sadly. Once they were out of sight I transformed to my human shape. I tried to straighten my dress and smooth my hair and made sure my ears were under my cap. I left the alley to try and find Sebastian and the boy. I walked off in the direction they went.

I found them in the market, looking at fruit and eyeing the salesmen suspiciously. I examined crude tin plates and cups from two stalls over. At one point I saw Sebastian glance over in my direction, I quickly looked down at a slightly misshapen bowl. I thought he hadn't seen me, but then I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Why do you keep looking at me and my young master?" I turned around slowly looking up into the crimson eyes of this cat-loving man.

"Um," I said. 'I was planning on going over there and talking to them first, ugh!'

I tried to run but Sebastian grabbed my wrist. When I attempted to escape I knocked my cap off my head. My ears popped up from my hair. I tried to cover them with my free hand, but Sebastian grabbed that one too. I shrunk away, thinking I was going to be struck because of my differences.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian asked.

I looked up at him with a puzzled expression

"You aren't going to hit me?"

"Why would I do such a thing?" He matched his expression to mine.

The boy came over to see what was going on.

"Sebastian release the girl." He released my wrists. "Now, who are you." The boy asked me. I replaced the cap on my head.

"My name is Lady (Y/N) Avondale of the Avondale company," I shuffled my feet "or I used to be before my parent disowned me on my eighteenth birthday." I studied the cobblestones.

"Why would they do that?" The boy asked

"I am deformed."

"How so?" the boy pressed. He obviously hadn't seen my ears. I removed my hat and let my ears pop up.

"Ah. That doesn't seem like a deformity"

Sebastian looked at me like he was thinking 'so cute!'

"Do you have a place to stay?" The child asked me.

"No, sir," I said flatly

"Well as the head of the Phantomhive estate I can hire you as a maid." The boy told me. I should have recognised him as the Earl Phantomhive. I was a lady, after all, I introduced to the former Lord and Lady at a dance before the mansion burned down.

"I guess, Mey-Rin needs help, and to stop breaking the dishes." Mr Sebastian stroked his chin and said the last part under his breath, but I heard him anyway. I have enhanced hearing because of my special set of ears.

"I would love to work for you, my lord." I curtsied as best I could with my tattered dress. I tapped Mr Sebastian's arm.


"Yes, miss?"

"Please don't call me miss."

A few hours later we arrived at the Phantomhive mansion and I was surprised to see it looked exactly like the last time I saw it.

"Sebastian, show (Y/N) her room," Ciel told Sebastian.

"Come on then (Y/N)"

"Okay." I had to speed walk to keep up with his long strides. Sebastian led me down to the servant housing to an extra room.

"Here we are. I will have Mey-Rin bring you your uniform and acquaint you with your responsibilities for tomorrow morning. Sleep well"

"Good night."

I walked into the room. It had a twin bed in the corner, a small dresser on the opposite wall, a knotted rug on the floor, and two doors on the wall to the right of the main door. I looked in the dresser and found matches, a few candles and a candle holder. I looked in the two doors. One was a closet and the other was a small bathroom.

I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I thought about what happened today. I woke up in a box, met an inhuman smelling, strangely tall man with red eyes, and got hired by a twelve-year-old who didn't think I was a freak for my ears. I like this place. Before I drifted to sleep I changed to cat form, then fell off into sleep.

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