37.What the World has come to

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Where is your humanity,

where is your compassion?

You have your eyes closed and you have become deaf.

Your ability to speak,

has vanished into thin air.

No empathy,

no acceptance,

no heart.

That is all that comes to mind,

when all i see is people simply being unkind.

Open your eyes,

don't be blinded by all these lies.

You live in a world,

where skin color matters more than gun laws,

where the difference between a man's and a woman's salary is appalling,

where people think it is acceptable to take someone's life for loving a person of their own gender,

where people in power abuse it and take lives of innocent people,

where it's the girl's fault because she wore a short skirt and she provoked  the guy to assault her,

where people kill to get revenge for people dying,

where mother's have to tell their children not to wear a hoodie at night because they might be mistaken for a criminal...because of the color of their skin,

where ''We need to build a wall'' is cheered on,

where the size of someone's body can influence their mental health.

I could go on all day about the things that make me sick.

But that won't change a thing,

because people are judgemental

they're closed-mined

they're disgusting.

To me,

there are no humans.

Because there is no humanity.

Everyone is simply a wild animal

with no morals and no understanding of what is right.

We need to make a change.

People are getting killed because there is no acceptance.

People are taking their own lives because there is no acceptance.

There are girl's crying because you on the cover of that magazine that everyone talks about,is a woman with airbrushed features and a photoshopped body.They are little girls,who cry because they'll never look like that.

There are boys who cry because everyone in their school walk around with their girlfriends,but they want a boyfriend.They are boys,who fear to show who they really love.There are boys who are brave enough to show the world who they love,and they get knocked down for it.

There are women who go through blood,sweat,and freaking tears to feed their children.But they get paid less than their male co-workers.These women come home to their children and they know they could have made more.They know that it is unfair that they have earned less for the exact same job as the men.They know,that they will have to deny their children to things they want,because they don't earn as much.

There are men,unable to show their emotions because it is not socially accepted for a man to cry.They hold in their tears at their mother's funeral,they choke back the sobs as their father get's diagnosed with cancer.They are denied the need to feel.There are men,who would love to shed a tear at a cheesy wedding speech,but they cannot.There are men,who would love to cry with their wives at their child's first word.

There are black people,who are killed for not being white.They have to keep in mind,that they should not even reach for their ID if they are speaking to an officer.They make sure that their children don't wear something that would make people think wrong of them.They are told that they are pretty,for a black.They are told to stop speaking black.

There are many other people,who are denied their will to live the way they want to live.

We are going backwards.

We are not moving forward.

Listen,to the voices of people who beg for equality.They beg for acceptance,they beg for justice.

Speak up,use your voice.Show the world that there are people who understand,who have compassion,empathy,love,kindness and acceptance.

Show people that they are not alone.

Show that humanity is not dead.

Use your voice,to scream.

Scream about what is right

and drill it into the heads of those 

who have their minds closed.

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