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(a/n: an idea of how the train station might look in dynamo :) happy reading!)


GO FIGURE my bag would get stolen as soon as I stepped off the train. Only just arriving to Dynamo, having stepped a few feet from the train itself, I had momentarily let go of my rolling luggage to re-tie my hair and fix my lopsided glasses. 

That was all the time it took for someone to grab the handles and wheel it away. When I had finished with my hair and glasses, then reached down to grab my bag .. I had screamed. 

Now, I was usually a quiet, calm person. Shy, even. This certainly wasn't a part of my character, but the bag held nearly my entire wardrobe, and my laptop, among a few other things. These were the things I hadn't shipped to my new apartment in advance, and now destiny wanted to smite me with the ultimate sign of bad luck. Or stupidity. 

I let my eyes sweep around the platform, until I spotted a familiar bag being wheeled away by a short man, walking abnormally quickly. Immediately, I started running. My sneakers pounded against the platform as I shouldered people out of the way, putting hours of playing football and rugby with my brothers to good use. 

My bag was huge and heavy enough for the person happily wheeling it away to be slowed down by it, allowing me to catch up quickly.

"Hey, you there! That's my bag!" I shouted, and the short guy turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me, and he attempted taking off running. 

With a sound that sounded disturbingly like a growl, I shot forward again. I was mentally preparing to tackle him, quickly gaining speed to topple him over from the side- 

But I didn't have to. Just as I bent my knees, setting for shoulders for the tackle that would give me back my bag, he was pushed to the ground by a figure up ahead. A cloaked figure, wearing a cocky grin. 

My heart stuttered at the superhero in front of me. Out of all the times I'd envisioned meeting one in Dynamo, I'd have never thought Ictus would be the first. 

"If I were you, I'd hand back the lady's bag." Ictus said calmly, "Or there'll be other consequences." His fist clenched threateningly. 

Instead of standing by quietly, I went over to retrieve my stolen baggage. On my way there, I made sure to trample the thief on his wrist, making him groan. 

"Sorry." I said, my voice completely flat, "Didn't see you there."

Firmly grasping the handle of my luggage again, I lifted my eyes to meet Ictus' amused expression. 

"Thank you." I said, forcing a smile through the thunderous beat of my heart. A real super - right in front of me! "Hell of a welcome." 

"No problem, miss. I aim to please." He winked, tipping an imaginary hat, "You new here?" 

I studied his suit, a tight, grey latex creation with an unsettling black pattern. Covering his back was a long, fluttering cape. I'd seen him in the newspaper, and read about his powers - Invisibility was one of them, but no one had any clue if he had any other ones. 

"Yeah." I answered at last, pulling my eyes up to peer at his face through his mask, "You could say that." 

"Well, then I'll just have to welcome you." He smiled brightly, "Welcome to Dynamo city!" 

a/n: hello lovelies! new and improved prologue ,with new and improved plot! i've planned for this novel for quite a while, and have decided that this will be the novel i'm writing after the undoing of heroes - and not snapshot. sorry for me publishing/unpublishing everything constantly, I wanted to get some stuff into order first! :)

i think that chapter one of the undoing of villains will be published within a month, which is what i've been planning for !! !

here we go, the questions of the chapter that wasn't long enough to warrant questions but there are some i'd like answers to either way!  ! ! !


__how do you feel about the new/updated covers?__

__how do you feel about the prologue?__

__how do you feel about the series in general?__

__if i were to set fixed updating times (weekly) what days do you think they should be/what time?__

wishing you all the best, and I hope you're all on summer break by now :)

xo, cleo 

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