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THE SUIT was ready for me. I'd completed my mission, despite its slight derailing, to Xandra's delight. The suit would not disappoint me, she'd assured me. Because I was an idiot, I found myself believing her word. 

It seemed Xandra was the type of person who'd scratch your back if you did so in return, something I'd managed. She'd taken a liking to me, which to be fair was not my intention nor ideal scenario, but at least she considered me a person of interest. Someone worth keeping around, lungs still intact and all. 

I'd carefully nursed my injuries, staying home and ordering furniture to be assembled within the comfort of my own home. Now my apartment looked more like a home than a smaller warehouse, making me ridiculously happy. 

What also made me ridiculously happy was the fact that when Vector had shown his face on TV, I'd seen a bruise blooming along the side of his jaw. That had made me smile, considerably improving my mood. This in mind, I headed for the same warehouse I'd met up Xandra the first time with a lot less fear wrecking my mindset. Tonight, I'd officially pick up my mantle. The Excalibur to my Arthur. 

I found my way there myself, the limp given to me by Vector having disappeared after some rest. I hadn't been able to properly FaceTime with any of my brothers considering my face had been a bit swollen, but it didn't really matter as they were swept up in their own affairs, too busy to bother with their little sister. As long as I dropped in with the obligatory 'Hey, I'm alive'-text, they wouldn't bother too much. 

Being second oldest granted me zero privileges solely because of the fact that I was a girl. The order in which we came was as follows: Austin, Connor, me, Sawyer. I loved them, but they were ridiculously overbearing. If they'd found out what I was entertaining myself with nowadays - 

They'd pummel you until you were a part of the sidewalk. Oddly enough, the violent thought made me smile harder, and I paid no heed to the dim, long shadows of the harbor, which had once scared me so much. Now I knew what was in store, and I'd at least matured a bit. 

I hoped, at least. 

That in mind, I stepped inside Xandra's playhouse a few minutes later. She was waiting for me at the top of the stairs to the mezzanine, and I raised a hand in a greeting. She smiled, beckoning me to come to her office. 

In a flourish of red, she disappeared into the space beyond the edge of the mezzanine. I followed quickly, taking the stairs two at a time. I couldn't see her androids this time, presumably hidden away somewhere. 

Since there are no rA9 scribbles on the walls, I doubt they've gone all crazy. 

Either way, when I stepped inside Xandra's office all I could focus on was the dress-form in the corner. On it was a black suit. Simple design, but what made it stand out were the numerous red, glimmering stars sown into the material. Simple enough, but it made it look even fiercer in the slightly dimmed light of her office. 

"I'm no Shuri-" Xandra started, and I could hear the smugness tainting her tone, "-but I'm quite pleased. Wouldn't you say?"

"More than." I agreed, nearing the dressform to touch the material. It felt more like rubber than anything else. 

"A good payment for a good job." She tilted her chin, gave a small nod of respect, "Although you didn't have to give him the proper snog you did." 

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