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(a/n: yes, we love a wonder woman queen. also - if you have any personal / book / writing questions for me - leave them here. they can be literally anything, from what i study to what food i like to why i am a nerd. i'd love for you to ask me things you'd like to find out! anyway, ENJOY the chapter xp)

(dedicated to @ThePeacefulAries who is normally a silent reader but commented, which made me happy enough to punch my keyboard for an hour and write this <3 TYSM!)


OF COURSE, I was not heartless. Maybe I hadn't acted in a very empathetic, heartfelt way thus far, but I couldn't let the metal pole crush a dozen police officers. Time seemed to run slower, as I watched the metal creak and bend and start falling off the edge. 

It was more a pillar than a pole, made entirely of metal, around seven meters in height, perhaps one by one in width in depth. The metal looked to be steel. 

Density of steel's around 8 kg per cubic meter. Its mass is around 56 kg, and then you'll just have to contend with the added downward force thanks to gravity. 

To not impale the officers below, I needed to stop a metal pole of nearly 60 kg with one arm, also making up for the added force downward due to gravity. Normally, I enjoyed physics, but at this point I cursed my predicament.

Should I let go of the building, I would surely fall with the pole and die together with the officers. I couldn't keep my grip on the glass panes with just my feet, and if I tried I'd make a wonderful wingless bird impression from around forty stories up. 

No thanks. 

The skyscraper rumbled as more parts collapsed, and I heard a terrified shout emanate from the top of the building. My heart was once again beating in my throat, probably in my brain at this point. All my organs were presumably one nervous, smushed mess by now.

It was a wonder I could think of such idiotic things while a metal pole was hurtling towards me. I needed to intercept it quick, otherwise it would just gather speed until it impaled me on the way down, too. 

Situated right below another floor, my eyes went to the glass exterior of the building, and a lightbulb went off over my head. Securing my gaze on the pole again, it looked more like a spear thrown down from Olympus - the metal glinting ominously. It wasn't a reach to believe the Gods were mocking me. 

That in mind, I picked up speed by moving swiftly toward the pole. It was ten meters away from me, quickly decreasing. My calves tensed, and then I jumped. My powers flailed for a moment, but I pushed the energy to envelop me -

My hands started glowing red, my body too. It looked as if a demon had set itself upon the building, but I didn't care. If my little brother was here, he'd make a Dragon Ball Z reference due to my new cloak of pulsating light. 

Pushing myself up, I jumped the last bit to collide with the metal pole, tackling it in midair. I had angled myself just right, and my powers helped, pushing with pure energy - 

The pole and I crashed through the exterior glass windows, ending up on the floor which I had been right below of. I felt shards scrape my chin, the exposed parts of my face, but other than that the suit did its job. Damn well, too. 

I got the breath knocked out of me when I landed, the pole crashing to the floor right beside me. I was lucky it hadn't decided to knock my ribs out. Wincing, I watched the pole shatter a few modern desks before it ground to a halt.

Thanks, friction. I owe you one. 

I really did, considering I had just scaled a building with nothing but eXtRa SpEcIaL gloves. It was almost sad this type of tech was not more widely used. 

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