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I GOT THE TEXT approximately thirty-two hours after my encounter with X. Not the drug, the person. They're probably equally dangerous anyway, so what did it even matter. 

The text detailed only when and where Xandra would send her henchmen slash minions to 'borrow' some art from the museum. And then I'd pucker up to Vector. Out of all outlandish things she'd ask me to do, this had not been expected. I mean, should I prepare with a mint? Why was this even something worth thinking about? 

Unknown: Friday night: 8:30 PM. New Age exhibit.

And here I was. Friday night, 8:01 PM, outside the art gallery. All I had done since I'd left Xandra's evil lair (yes, that is the correct, scientific term for it.) was wait for this moment. Now, however, I felt myself becoming increasingly nervous, but it was time to put on my big girl pants and deal with it. 

Did you just think that? You did. Sweet baby Jesus, you did. How on Earth are you supposed to become a superhero when you tell yourself to put on 'big-girl pants'? 

I did agree with my subconscious, which was why I tried to stop thinking for a moment and just focus on my surroundings. The art gallery was an impressive building, probably the crazed fantasy of some modern architect who'd gotten a bottomless well of funds to perfect the metallic, glistening creation. Sweeping, arching roofs gave way to large windowed parts of the building, offering a view of the glittering gowns inside. 

Of course, it was a gala night. Why would Xandra make things easy for me, when she could force me to dress up and sneak inside instead? I didn't even have a gown, so I'd settled for a nicer pair of pants and a pretty blouse. I stuck out like a sore thumb. A square among triangles.

If I had anyone else, lacking powers, I would've been kicked out faster than one could say 'outsider!', but now I had a handy trick up my sleeve, powers. I waited in line with the other guests, edging closer to the wide opening of the gallery. They each presented an ivory envelope to the entrance guard, who let them in after inspecting the contents of the invitation. I had no doubt this was disgustingly upscale, and I couldn't help but long for some greasy pizza and reruns of sitcoms instead, but here I was - 

You're doing it for a suit. A great suit. Focus.

So I did, and directed a blindingly white smile toward the entrance guard who stuck a hand out in response, awaiting the ivory envelope which I was not in possession of. Instead, I took his hand and shook it. 

"We're all good here, right?" 

The skin contact simplified things. I could feel the energy pulsing through him, the small nerve endings about to respond as he tried asking for something, but I intercepted the flow and controlled his answer instead. 

"Of course. You're on the list - welcome, and have a nice evening." I made him nod before releasing him, taking the stairs swiftly to the entrance of the art gallery with my heart pounding. It was exhilarating to exercise my powers in public, and it left a giddy feeling behind. I was still very much exploring them, but I knew I needed to have contact with a ... victim to manipulate the energy in their chemical responses. 

I promise - I really am trying to be a hero. Sounds a bit bad to get excited over manipulating some poor employee, but it isn't as if I'm preaching flawless crime-fighting here. The whole point of my presence at the art function was to do the bidding of some high-key underworld overlord. Not exactly superhero material at first glance.

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