thirty one

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(a/n: dedicated to belle-ssi  for the multitude of amazing, supportive comments! much love and hope you continue enjoying the story ;D )

thirty one

I HAD A HARD time keeping my eyes open. Not only were my lashes clumped together, sticky with blood, but one eyelid was swelling violently, obscuring whatever vision I might've had. Still I struggled to see what was going on, shooting a glare Xandra's way when I had the chance. 

Tetra had let go of my face, but my cheeks still ached as if her nails were permanently stuck there. When this all blew over - which I sincerely hoped it would - I would crush five Advils and snort them. 

While I was having a spectacularly hard time even staying awake, the other occupant of the room seemed to be having an easier time coming back to consciousness. Vector stayed silent when he finally opened his eyes, and I saw nothing but a quick flash of anger as he lifted his face. His eyes roved around the room, sticking on both Xandra and Tetra, and then they fastened on me. He didn't make a move, didn't so much as glare - instead, he flattened his lips together, eyes moving around the injuries on my face. 

"Cute. Our resident superhero finally woke up." At this, I was slightly insulted, but I chose not to comment as I didn't wish for Tetra to hook me with her nails again.

Tetra moved across the room again, just beyond Vector's reach. The same sharpness I'd experienced so many times before entered his eyes, turning them into hateful slits. His dark look slid to her white shoes, now ruined by muddy red blood - evidence of me spitting on them. 

"Nice shoes." Vector spoke up, voice low and raspy. Tetra didn't seem to like it, and a quick annoyance contorted her features when she glanced down at her white shoes. 

"All thanks to you pesky heroes." She looked up, shrugged. Took a step closer to Vector, " - good thing there won't be more of you around when I'm done." She glanced once more at his mask, fingers literally twitching to reach for it. 

At this, I spoke up. Xandra stood in the back, waiting. I knew that I needed to stall, not just to keep Vector from being unmasked, but for us to succeed. 

"When you're done?" My voice was basically a whisper, throat bruised and pained. Still I forced myself to speak louder, even if it felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper across my vocal chords, "- with what? A monologue?"

Tetra whipped around, but didn't step closer. Her nostrils flared, anger tainting her features. She had a pretty face, usually the one you'd see in editorials, but with the anger twisting it .. she looked demonic. It darkened her features to the point where her eyes were small, dark pools of anger. It was obvious she was more than a little mentally unhinged, something I intended to use to my advantage. 

"Seems you're doing more speaking than action, is what I'm saying." I cleared my throat, continued. My eyes gleamed with intent, " - I mean, breaking out of prison just to talk everyone to death? Can't relate."

I saw Xandra moving in the corner of my eye, the robots twitching as she fiddled with something. I continued, even as I saw Tetra was stiffening with fury, shoulders inching up as she practically boiled. 

Opening my mouth again to deliver a final slug that would blow her gasket, I was wrenched to the side before I could speak. Tetra had cloned herself again, and while one of her remained standing by Vector, the other was crouched beside me, crushing my windpipe in her grip. 

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