How He Asks You Out✔

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You and the Marauders were walking the school grounds, trying not to cause any mischief, which is hard with them

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You and the Marauders were walking the school grounds, trying not to cause any mischief, which is hard with them. They always end up getting into trouble, and you get into trouble with them, but you don't mind. James went to go talk to Lily Evans, a girl that he's fancied since first year, it's now third year, you've officially been friends with him since second year, and you have grown subtle feelings for the chap, which causes you to get a tad bit jealous, but you don't show it.
You and the boys looked on as he was flirting, and failing, with Lily. You gave a forced smile, he was your friend and you were going to be supportive of who he liked, even if you wished it was you.
"Hey, (y/n)," Sirius said, you tore your eyes from James and looked at the long haired boy.
"What?" You asked, he probably said something but you weren't paying attention. You blushed feeling a tad bit embarrassed.
"Well, I said 'after James gets turned down by Evans, again, we should go to Hogsmeade to cheer him up.' You know, if you don't have studying and what not." You looked back at James who was walking back to you with a sad grin on his face. Poor Prongs, got turned down again.
"Yeah, sure." You said as James reached you four. Remus watched you as he gave James a fake smile , and Sirius said that he'll get her next time, even Peter was giving words of encouragement, but you just couldn't pull yourself to say anything. Seeing one of your friends get turned down, time after time, again and again, its horrible, and if you like that friend, its even worse because they're so focused on that one person that they want that they can't see you right in front of them.
You looked to the ground and started to walk back to the common room to change out of your school robes, leaving the Marauders questioning your actions, not to mention the sad look on your face.
"Whats with her?" James asked, Remus looked down at the ground, Remus was the only one who knew of your feelings, you knew you could trust him. He looked at James.
"James, don't you think that its time to give up Lily, and, oh I don't know, open your eyes?"
"Moony, what do you mean? Lily likes me she's just playing hard to get, she'll come around eventually. And what do you mean by open my eyes?" James asked turning towards Remus. Remus looked away from James.
"You know what? Go ahead. Waste your time with Evans. I won't be there to comfort you anymore when you get turned down. Merlin's beard you are so blind! Ugh! You- you- you... I can't even look at you, I can't even be around you right now!" Remus said walking away from the boys.
"Remus, what are you talking about?!" James yelled running in front of the boy. Remus looked in James' eyes.
"All I'm going to say is that if you open your eyes, you'll see that someone actually has feelings for you, and she keeps breaking a little bit more every time you go and flirt with Lily. I hope that both Lily and the other girl know that they can both do better than you, because you are blind, so so blind to others around you." And with that Remus pushed past James and walked off. He was definitely not going to be joining you in Hogsmeade.
James watched Remus as he faded into the crowd of students. What did Remus mean? Someone else actually likes him? James knew Lily had feelings for him but who else?
"(y/n)?" James whispered to himself. No, she wouldn't like me, he thought, even if I like her back, she wouldn't like me, she probably likes Sirius... Well, Remus does spend a lot of time with her, so if she did like me she would probably tell him. Could she really like me back?
James then realized why you had left in such a sad state, he realized why you always looked pained when he was talking with, or about, Lily. You like him. And he likes you, but you probably hate him now...
"How could I be so blind?!!!" He yelled running towards the Gryffindor common room.
You waked down the stairs, now in normal clothes, you sat on the couch waiting for the boys to come. You put your head in your hands, why James? Why did it have to be James?
"Go away, Potter." Lily said, you looked up at James. He looked at Lily. You dropped your gaze to the floor.
"Now is not the time Evans. Oh, I hear Severus is looking for you, so you should go find him before Sirius does, Sirius just has this spell that he's been waiting to try out." with that Lily rolled her eyes and ran out of the common room. James sat down next to you.
"(y/n)," he said, you didn't look at him, "(y/n), look at me." he said, you slowly turned your head towards him. His eyes were full of sadness and... love?
"What, James?" You asked. He didn't say anything at first, but then he took both of your hands.
"(Y/n), I like you, I like you a lot. Maybe even more than I like Lily. And I'm sorry that I was so blind that I couldn't see that you liked me as well."
"James, you said 'liked' as if I don't like you anymore." You said, he looked away.
"You probably don't. I mean, you have feelings for me but I didn't see them because I was too focused on Lily, you deserve better, you both do." He let go of your hands.
"James, i still like you, " you chuckled at the end. He looked at you, eyes wide.
"Okay.... so... do you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me? Like a date? We can ditch the guys, and go to Three Broomsticks or something." he seemed really nervous, he truly liked you, and you liked him.
"Sure, I'd love that." You both stood up and walked out the door towards where he had left Sirius and Peter, Remus was now with them. James intertwined his hand with yours. You both smiled and blushed, and walked past the boys towards Hogsmeade.
"Were they holding hands?" Sirius asked, Remus chuckled.
"Finally, James. Finally."

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