silver the hedgehog

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You were laying there, in eternal darkness(haha, get it?), staring at your boring ceiling at two in the morning. Today was a big day for you. You were going to receive your mark on the essay you had submitted about telekinesis. You were fascinated about the subject. Your eyes almost closed when a bright flash interrupted your thoughts.

'What the heck?" You thought to yourself, sitting up in bed. You quickly got up and flicked on the light. What you saw, was an ivory hedgehog laying on your floor, a deep gash on his shoulder.

You concluded that he was in fact a male by his facial features. You ran over to him, dragged him to your bed, set him there and ran downstairs to grab your first aid kit. You dressed his wound and covered him with your blanket.

You laid on the floor, knowing you wouldn't be going to school tomorrow.


You woke up to the sound of speaking. "N-No please! Stop! It's no use!" He muttered, flailing his arms.

You walked over to him, and began to scratch him behind the ears. A deep rumbling sound came from his throat--he was purring. You smiled at how cute he looked and began to examine him more closely. He had a tan muzzle, ivory quills, white chest fur, white gloves, and gold bracelets accented with cyan. You decided to go make him breakfast, so when he woke up, he would have something to eat. As you stepped away, you felt a hand grab your wrist.

You turned to find golden eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. "Did-did you save me?" He inquired, nearly falling over in the effort of getting out of bed. You quickly pushed him back down.

"Yes, you could say that, but you're hurt!" you say, crossing your arms. He nods and lies back down. "Wait here, I'll make breakfast for you, would you like waffles?" You questioned, uncrossing your arms.

"Waffles? I LOVE waffles!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and quickly bringing them back down, wincing in pain. You just raised an eyebrow and began to walk away. "Wait? What's your name? I'm Silver, Silver the Hedgehog!" He said enthusiastically.

"I'm (y/n), and you really should rest, you need it," you said, before walking out. 'He's so cute!' You thought before shaking it off and making him breakfast. You went downstairs and saw a note on the fridge.


Daddy and I have gone on a business trip, we'll be back in a few days! Food's in the fridge, and we left extra money on the counter.


You sighed as you threw the paper into the garbage. You began to make the waffles, and soon you were done. You heard footsteps behind you and you quickly turned around, but you slipped on butter. You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the hard impact of the floor, but it never came. You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes and noticed a teal aura surrounding you, slowly levitating you.

"Aren't you clumsy?" A voice said. You looked up into the beautiful golden eyes of Silver, who was chuckling. You blushed a deep red, looking down. You suddenly remembered a question you meant to ask him.

"Hey Silver? How come you popped into my room?" You questioned.

"I just thought of being in a safe place, and here I am!" He said, once again throwing his hands up in the air.

"You really should stop," you said, slowly shaking your head. You turned around and began to clean up the butter, until you felt strong arms around your waist. "Silver?" you said, blushing lightly.

"Hmm?" He responded, resting his head on your shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for the perfect moment,"

You turned around to face him, staring into his eyes. "To do what?"


And with that, his lips came crashing onto yours, forming a gentle kiss. Not only were you going to get a great mark on your essay, but now you had a boyfriend that has telekinesis.

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