miles 'tails' prower

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You quickly shot up from your warm spot on your bed as you heard a frightening crash from the basement. You sighed, knowing it was probably Tails, the adorable kitsune that had taken residence in your basement.

You sighed once more, wrapping your blanket around you as you made your way down two flights of stairs. "Tails, what are you doing up at 5 in the morning? Don't tell me you've been up all night," you said, knowing full well that he was working on a new prototype for Sonic.

"Uh, well you see, I added new boosters and stabilizers, and a new engine so the chaos energy won't be used up as quickly!" He explained, pulling his goggles off to reveal his bright blue orbs.

You stood with your arms crossed, clearly disappointed that he had been up all night. You were worried for the health of the little fox, as he often stayed up late trying to help Sonic. "Tails, come and sleep. That's an order buddy!" You said as you pulled on his arm.

"Fine, but only because I probably won't be talked to if I don't listen." He sighed. You walked to your bedroom and jumped onto the bed, motioning for him to lay on it. A blush formed on his cheeks as he began laying excuses out.

"Tails, I'm cold and I know you are too. Just come here," you muttered while picking him up and snuggling under the covers with him. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of him as you snuggled into his neck.

He just stayed silent and complied, knowing that you weren't going to take no as an answer. He turned around so he was facing you, and smiled at your peaceful face, your (h/c) locks spread out behind you.

You slightly opened one eye to see that Tails was staring at you contentedly. You inwardly grinned before opening your (e/c) orbs and kissing him on the nose. The colour of his cheeks rivalled a tomato, as you giggled. "Good night Tails," you muttered.

"Good night (y/n)," he breathed, snuggling closer to you.

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