37. Kidnap

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"Why are you mad at me?"

Draco ignores me, focusing on his bacon and eggs. I roll my eyes.

"Real mature," I mutter, "when you decide to grow up, let me know."

"Right, this is my fault," he shakes his head. I sit back down and sigh.

"Well, tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it," I tell him.

"You blew me off yesterday," he says, "after charms and at lunch and dinner. You're meant to sit up here, why didn't you?"

"You knew Muggle Studies was bothering me and you were enjoying it," I point out, "that's pretty sick."

Draco rolls his eyes.

"I wasn't enjoying it," he says, "I just thought it was ironic that talking about that bothers you when you've done worse in fights."

"I have not!"

"Why did you blow me off after Charms?"

"I need to study! I can't fail Charms and I don't have Fred and George to help me this year," I say. Draco's eyes narrow.

"You should be more careful," he says, "the Weasleys are going to meet a sticky end, you don't want to get caught up in that."

He stands up and walks away. I sigh. I'm already deep in with the Weasleys.

I check my timetable. I have Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, Charms and Potions. I finish by Lunch time, so I'll have all afternoon to do the homework that is already piling up. I look up as owls start streaming in. None of the owls come near me. I sigh and shoulder my bag to head to Transfiguration. As I walk past the staff I overhear Flitwick and Sprout discussing the Carrows.

"Putting them in charge of discipline! It's just wrong."

"I agree, I didn't think even Severus would sink so low."

I feel the bottom drop out of my stomach. Amycus and Alecto are cruel, taking pleasure in pain. I have a feeling students won't be writing lines with them. I catch up with Neville, Lavender and Parvati at the Gryffindor table and we fall into two lines. I walk beside Neville. He's changed a lot since I've been out of Hogwarts. He's grown a lot and has slimmed down. He seems to have a new sort of confidence around him.

We walk into Transfiguration and I see that the Slytherins are already there. To my disgust and anger, Pansy is seated next to Draco. She shoots me a sly smile as I walk in. I ignore her and sit beside Neville.

I try to focus on what McGonagall is saying, but I keep glancing at Draco and Pansy. This time he's gone too far.

We walk as a group up to Muggle Studies. Draco is walking with Pansy. I'm quivering with rage.

"You know," Neville says quietly, "if you told Carrow that you and Draco had to miss the lesson, I bet she'd let you. I mean, you're Death Eaters, after all."

I look at him, a little surprised.

"Good idea," I say, "thanks, Neville."

As we approach the classroom I duck out of line and grab Draco's arm, pulling him out of line. Pansy looks at me, shocked.

"Go," I snarl, pointing into the classroom. The class files in and I poke my head in the door.

"Draco and I are needed elsewhere," I tell Alecto quietly. She nods once and starts her class. I grab Draco by the arm and drag him down a couple of floors to an empty classroom.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demand, "messing around with Pansy?"

"Messing around with her?" Draco smirks, "I sat next to her in class."

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