31. Deadly Secrets

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It was the 23rd of August today. In only a few days it will be a whole month since we got married. I wish we could go back to the honeymoon. Things were so much simpler then. I have eight days to decide if I'm going back to Hogwarts or not. Draco and I got our letters today. Draco didn't open his, but I couldn't help it. Besides, I needed to know what books to get from Diagon Alley so I can study at home.

Draco is fast asleep next to me. Since he started having nightmares he won't let me sleep anywhere but next to him, even if we wake each other up when we get home. It's too hot to sleep too close together, but at least we can sleep in the same room. We just have to get better at tip-toeing around.

The Ministry has started rounding up muggle-borns for 'questioning'. Draco was careful not to let me know how he feels about this practice, which is good. I don't feel like fighting with him in the precious time we have together while we're awake. Hermione's name is on the wanted list. That's sort of a good thing, because it means they haven't got her and don't know where she is, and if she's safe Harry is too. And Ron, of course.

There is a constant tension in the air. It's scary. No one knows where the Dark Lord is. He sends orders occasionally, but luckily we haven't come face to face with him. Those who have say that he's absolutely furious, although no one knows why. A happy Dark Lord is scary enough, but an angry one? No thank you.

I haven't been to see Fred and George since I took the girls. The time between my visits seems to be getting longer and longer. Things just keep cropping up. I still haven't made a decision, but I know I need to. I'm going to go and see them tomorrow. I know Fred will ask and as soon as he does I'll just say yes or no, and which ever one I say I know will be the right choice.


I groan and roll over, away from Draco's voice.


Damn, he's persistant this morning.

"Go away..."

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stay asleep, despite the fact that I can feel myself waking up. The mattress tilts slightly as Draco sits down next to me. I sigh, accepting defeat and roll over to face him, opening my eyes. He smiles, biting his lip.

"What?" I grumble.

"You're so beautiful," he says, "and you're mine!"

I narrow my eyes at him, trying not to smile.

"Your flattery doesn't make up for the fact that I'm awake," I scowl. Draco leans down and kisses me.

"Do you have to go?" I ask.

"Not for a few minutes," he says, "I just wanted to see you before I went."

I sit up and brush my hair back. It's making a valiant effort to overtake my head. Draco brushes a strand back and hooks his hand around the back of my head, bringing me forward to kiss him.

"Have you made a decision about school yet?" he asks. I bite my lip and shake my head. He frowns.

"You'll need to decide soon," he says. I take one of his hands and press it against my face.

"If I go back, will you go with me?" I ask. His eyes widen.

"Autumn, I... I have my work here," he says without conviction.

"It wouldn't be the same without you," I tell him. Draco sighs.

"It's not that I don't want to," he says, "but... It's complicated."

"Well, explain," I shrug, "I'm quite bright, I'm sure I could keep up."

He pulls his hand away and runs it through his hair, looking stressed. I feel my stomach knot. Maybe I don't want to know.

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