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The Next Day:
*Ashley's POV*
I woke up in Danny's arms and look at him when he woke up at the same time (weird ik) he looked down at me and pecked my lips. I then look at my phone to see the time 9:00am which wasn't bad, I make a group chat with my "dads" and text them all.
*T = Tristan ~ B = Bradley ~ C = Connor ~ J = James ~ A = Ash*
A - Hey guys I just woke up
T - Ok come home when you're ready
B - Good morning & ^
C - Gm & ^^
J - Hallow & ^^^
A - Gm & lol love you guys <3
T - You 2!
B - Ily 2
C - Love ya 2
J - Love you too cya later :)
*end of convo*
"My dads said I can come home whenever I feel ready" I said to Danny.
"Okie that's cool" he responded.
"Sooo what should we do?" I asked.
"Idk watch a movie?" He said.
"OH, I heard that Internet Famous was a gucci movie! & it's on Netflix" I said excitedly.
"Ok thannn" he said as he put on the movie.

(Authors Note: If you haven't watched Internet Famous GO WATCH IT)

*after the movie*

"I really liked that movie" I said.
"Same" Danny responded.
Then, Danny came in for a kiss and of course I kissed back.
"I love you." Danny said.
"I love you too." I said back, blushing.
Danny then took me home since it was 1:30 already.

*at the house*
"Thanks for the ride Danny" I said.
"No problem" he responded.
He kissed me and I hugged him then got of the car and walked inside the house.
"IM HOME!" I yelled.
I heard 8 footsteps run down the stairs which were my dads. They ran and gave me a HUGE hug, we then hung out all day. I even got to hear them record a new song!

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